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Appendix 6 Question Answer International Tendering Conference for Jiangsu Teacher Training Projects 2004 1、 Q:What is the qualification for tenders? A:The qualified tenders refer to those education or training institutions that are officially approved by national government or education authorities. 问:什么样的机构有资格参与招标? 答:参加招标的国外机构须为所在国政府批准的正式教育、培训机构和学校。 2、Q: Could you please let me know if the invitation is only forwarded to the universities who provided the teacher training for Jiangsu in the previous year? Or would it be possible for other universities to join the tendering this year? What?other institutions have you invited to tender for your 2004 Teacher Training Projects? A: The tendering is open and equal to all qualified education institutions that are interested and committed in providing training programs for Jiangsu teachers. With the expansion of the scale of overseas training in Jiangsu, JPDE is looking forward to working together with more quality partner institutions in the coming years. 问:投标是否仅限于去年与江苏合作的机构?其他的大学是否可以今年加入投标?你们还邀请了哪些机构参加2004年的教师培训计划投标? 答:投标活动是公开和平等的,今年也欢迎其他对江苏教师培训感兴趣的教育机构参与投标。为了扩大教师海外培训的规模,江苏省教育厅欢迎更多的国外机构参与江苏教师国际合作培训项目。 3、 Q:What benefits and opportunities for Conference participants? A: Acknowledgement of the vision for education in Jiangsu and the potentials for international cooperation. Understanding of the expected outcomes for teachers training programs in Jiangsu and relevant benchmarks for quality assurance. Opportunities to participate in the teachers training projects of Jiangsu. Acquiring and sharing the experience of getting into the market of teachers training in China. Face to face communication with senior officials from regional and local education authorities, representatives from variety of education institutions and non-governmental organizations in education sector. 问:这样的会议对参加者会有那些收获? 答: (1) 了解江苏教育发展趋势及合作交流的前景 (2) 了解江苏教师培训的各类要求及指标 (3) 获得参与江苏教师培训项目的机会 (4) 体验进入中国教育培训市场途径和方式 (5) 与江苏教育界官方、民间人士的广泛接触 4、 Q:


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