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Anti-windup Speed Control of an AC Servo Drive Ming-Shyan Wang*, Houang-Wen Laio**, Wang-Cheng Chen**, and Hong-Zgi Chen* 王明賢*,廖鴻文**,陳旺承**,陳鴻志* *Department of Electronic Engineering, Southern Taiwan University of Technology 1,Nan-Tai St.Yung Kang City, Tainan Hsien, Taiwan, 710 TEL:(06)2533131 ext.3125 ** Eternity Electronics Industry Co., Ltd. TEL:(06)2797611 Abstract In the paper, the anti-windup PI control is studied for the commercial AC servo motor drive. The self-conditioned algorithm is used. In the experimental test, control loop bandwidth, per-normal (PN) inertia, and noise sensitivity are considered. And the load shock recovery is also tested. Keywords: Anti-windup PI control, AC servo motor drive, self-conditioned algorithm. 摘要 本文針對工業用AC伺服馬達驅動器之速度控制,以自我條件法則探討重置捲起的問題。實驗上,將速度迴路頻寬、單位正規慣量、雜訊靈敏度與負載干擾恢復時間等規格皆列入討論。 關鍵字:反重置捲起比例積分控制,交流伺服馬達驅動器,自我條件法則. 1. Introduction It is well-known that the permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) has the advantages of higher torque-to-inertia ratio and power density when compared to the induction motor or the wound-rotor synchronous motor [1-4]. So, a PMSM is often used for the commercial AC servo drive. Then, the research and manufacture of AC servo drives become more popular and competitive. However, except for the most important specification performance, there are some realistic terms considered in the commercial AC servo drive, such as cost, complexity of functions, and generality of used components, etc. Some guidelines are provided for interpretation of AC/DC drive speed performance specifications from a drive system’s application perspective in [5]. The windup problem in controllers is an adverse effect that occurs in the integral action of PID control, when nonlinearities exist between the controller output and the plant input [6-9]. It has been found that this phenomenon may be overcome by some anti-windup schemes, such as conventional anti-wi


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