beverage knowledge酒水知识beverage knowledge酒水知识.doc

beverage knowledge酒水知识beverage knowledge酒水知识.doc

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beverage knowledge酒水知识beverage knowledge酒水知识

Knowledge of Beverage 酒水知识 To be able to recommend and selling, one has to know the different beverages, which can be divided into following groups: 能够推荐和销售,不同的酒水可以分为以下几类: Desert wine/Fortified wine。葡萄酒/加强的葡萄酒 Aperitifs开胃酒 Spirits/Hard Liquors烈酒/利口酒 Liqueur/Eaux-de-vies烈性甜酒/ Mixed drinks混合饮料 Beer/stout啤酒/烈性黑啤 Soft drink软饮料 Dessert wine/Fortified wine葡萄酒/加强的葡萄酒 They come usually from countries like Spain, Portugal, Greece, etc. The dessert wines are different to the normal wines due to sweetness and higher alcohol(16-22゜) 他们通常来自西班牙,葡萄牙,希腊等国家,餐后甜酒不同于正常的酒由于酒的甜蜜度更高(16-22) Port 钵酒 Port wine come from Portugal, it is prefer dessert wine or may be served before the meal. Some brands are Sandman, Tailor’s vintage port. 钵酒产自葡萄牙,一般在吃甜品时或在用餐前饮用。有以下几个品牌:三地文,泰勒 Sherry雪利酒 Sherry is specially known in England as an aperitif. It can also be served with soup. We know three types of Sherries – dry, medium dry and sweet. The dark sherry is always sweet and the light one is dry. Some brand is sandman amontillado, Tio pepe. 雪利酒在英国是被人熟知的一种开胃酒,它也可以在配汤时饮用。我们知道雪利酒的三类型-干型,半干型和甜型,深色的雪利酒是甜型的,浅色的是干型的,有以下几个品牌三地文雪利酒,托一比比 Madeira马得拉白葡萄酒 It comes from an island of Portugal, old Madeira is served as an aperitif, it is also used in the kitchen for sauces and sweet dishes. 马得拉白葡萄酒来自葡萄牙得一个岛屿,古老马得拉白葡萄酒是当地得一款开胃酒,它也使用在厨房制作汁料和甜品,。 Aperitifs开胃酒 The aperitifs can be divided into three groups-the vermouths,the bitter and anise. 开胃酒分为三类:味美斯酒,苦艾酒和茴香 Vermouth 味美斯酒 They are produced in Italy or France. They are red and white. It on the basis of sweet/dry white wine in a selection of aromatic herbs are infused. 味美斯酒产自意大利或法国,他们分为红色和白色,它分为甜型/干白型是基于灌输芬芳得药草 Bitters 苦艾酒 In the same way as vermouth-bitters are wine-based drinks, in which various herbs, roots are steeped. 同样的味美斯苦艾酒,葡萄酒为基酒,有不同的香草,根长在悬崖边 Anise茴芹 Like the name says are made with anise. They are very high in alcohol (45’). Anise is always serve with plain water and ice. 像名字说得是已制成得茴芹,是很高度得酒精(45’)服务茴芹酒时要跟清水和冰。 Liqueurs利口酒 They are the alcoholic



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