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第三单元复习资料一,单词(四会) bottom 底部 computer 电脑 corner 角 e-mail 电子邮件 left 左 right 右 envelope 信封 letter 信 postcard 明信片 stamp 邮票 top 顶部 corner角落 send发送 二.单词短语:(注意划线部分单词) 1.on the left/right 在左边/右边 2.in the top right corner 在右上角 (在…角用 in ) 英语中,形容某一个角时,先说上下,后说左右。 左上角 top left corner 右上角 top right corner 左上角 bottom left corner 右上角 bottom right corner 3.an e-mail一封电子邮件 an envelope一个信封 4.the same 相同的 5.with 和…一起 如:live with your mother和你妈妈住在一起 go straight the street沿着街道直走turn right向右转 turn left先左转 write...to写给某人 send... to 发送给某人 重点句型Lesson17.1 This is an e-mail/aletter/a postcard.这是一封电子邮件/一封信/一张明信片。2.I want to send this postcard to my mum and dad.我想发送这张明信片给我的妈妈和爸爸。3.I want to buy some postcards.我想买一些明信片。4.How much for this postcard?One yuan.这张明信片多少钱?5.You write an e-mail on a computer.你在电脑上写一封电子邮件。6.This is the top of the postcard.这是明信片的顶部。7.You write a letter on paper。你在纸上写一封信。8.A postcard has a picture on it. 明信片上有一副图画9.This is a shop in the hotel.这是旅馆里的一家商店。.10.We can buy postcards there.我们可以在那儿买明信片。11.Look at this postcard.看这张明信片。. 12.It has a picture of the Palace Museum.它上面有一副故宫博物院的图画。13.The panda is drinking tea.这只熊猫正在喝茶。14.May I see that postcard,please?我可以看看那张明信片吗?Where are you sending your letter?你正往哪儿发信?I am sending it to Shijiazhuang.我正往上海发信。14.What are you doing?你正在干什么?I’m writing nine postcards to my mother我正在写九张明信片给我的妈妈。15.I'll take nine,please.请给我拿九张。lesson18.1.Jenny writes a postcard.珍妮写一张明信片。2.This is the top of the postcard.这是明信片的顶部。3.This is a corner.这是(明信片)的一个角。4. Where do you write on a postcard?On the left你在一张明信片的哪儿写正文?在左边写。5. Where do you put the address?On the right你把地址写哪儿?在右边写。6.Where do you put the stamp?In the top ,right corner of the postcard.你把邮票贴在哪儿?贴在明信片的右上角。7.Let's write a postcard.让我们写一张明信片吧.8.It has a picture of our hotel on it. 明信片上有一副我们住的旅馆的图画。9.It is near Wangfujing Street.它在王府井大街附近。10.Write the day first.首先写日期。11.Don't forget the stamp and the address.别忘了贴邮票和写收信人的地址。lesson19.1.I am writing a letter to my father.我正在给我爸爸写一封信。2.Do you like m


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