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Text A How Dictionaries Are Made New Words   1.前缀   supreme 最高的,至上的;极度的   self-assurance 自信/self-confidence   2.后缀   mainly 主要地   grammarian 语法学家   usage 惯用法   eccentric 古怪的   editor 编者   occurrence 发生   alphabetize 按字母顺序排列   quotation 引文,引语;报价   historical 历史的   influence 影响   authoritative 权威性的   author 作者   invention 创造发明;捏造   ordinarily 通常地   3.合成   hard-and-fast明确的,不容改变的   broadcast 广播   Cruces words重点词汇:   1.dispute 争吵,争论/quarrel   2.regard (n) 重视,关心,考虑(后加介词 for 或to);致意,问候   (vt) 认为是;看作是(与 as连用)(通常不能用于进行时态)   He jumped into the river to save a boy without regard for his safety.   他跳到水中去救一个男孩,没有考虑个人的安全。   Please give your parents my best regards when you see them.   We regard him as a good teacher./ He is regarded as a good teacher.   我们认为他是一位很好的老师。   as regards/with regard to /in regard to 等短语都表示:关于的意思。   With regard to his suggestions, we shall discuss them fully.   关于他的建议,我们将充分讨论。   I have little information as regards his past.   关于他的过去,我不太了解。   3.occupy (vt) 占领;占据,占用/使忙碌;使从事(常用被动语态或短语occupy oneself with)   The soldiers occupied that small town.   士兵们占据了那个小城镇。   The store occupies the whole building.   这个商店占用了整幢大楼。   He was occupied in writing letters.   他正忙着写信。   She occupies herself with the translation of a technical report.   她正从事一份技术报告的翻译工作。   4.decade 十年   5.illustrate 说明,阐明;给…作插图   6. reveal (vt) 显露,显视(看不见的东西)/泄露;透露   These letters reveal him to be an honest man.   这些信显示他是个诚实的人。   He did not reveal his secret plan to us.   他没有将他的秘密计划泄露给我们。   7.influence 影响;势力   Dont be influenced by bad examples.   不要受坏榜样的影响。   influence 还可作(n),意为:影响(后常接on/upon);势力。   Her advice has a great influence on me.   她的劝告对我影响极大。   Phrases and Expressions   1.get into 进入、陷入/染上(习惯)   He got into difficulties in doing everything.他处处陷入困境。   His influence got me into bad habits.我受他的影响染上了坏习惯。   2.look up 查检   3.bring up 教育;培养/提出(供讨论或促使注意)   The child was brought up in a distant mountain village.   这孩子是在一个偏远的山村中长大的。   At the meeting, they brought up many problems and discussed


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