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量子有源光电子材料 量子阱器件的基本结构是两块N型GaAs附于两端,而中间有一个薄层,这个薄层的结构由AlGaAs-GaAs-AlGaAs的复合形式组成,。 The basic structure of quantum well devices is two pieces of type N GaAs attached to both ends, and there is a thin layer, the layer structure by the composite form of AlGaAs-GaAs-AlGaAs,. 在未加偏压时,各个区域的势能与中间的GaAs对应的区域形成了一个势阱,故称为量子阱。电子的运动路径是从左边的N型区(发射极)进入右边的N型区(集电极),中间必须通过AlGaAs层进入量子阱,然后再穿透另一层AlGaAs。 In the absence of bias, the corresponding GaAs potential energy and the area of the region to form a potential well, so called quantum wells. The motion path of electronic is from N area on the left side of (emitter) N zone to the right (collector), middle must enter the quantum well through the AlGaAs layer, and then through another layer of AlGaAs. 量子阱器件虽然是新近研制成功的器件,但已在很多领域获得了应用,而且随着制作水平的提高,它将获得更加广泛的应用。 Quantum well device is a newly developed device, but has been in many fields have been applied, and along with raising the level of making, it will get more extensive application. 量子阱器件,即指采用量子阱材料作为有源区的光电子器件,材料生长一般是采用MOCVD外廷技术。这种器件的特点就在于它的量子阱有源区具有准二维特性和量子尺寸效应。二维电子空穴的态密度是台阶状分布,量子尺寸效应决定了电子空穴不再连续分布而是集中占据着量子化第一子能级,增益谱半宽大为降低、且价带上轻重空穴的简并被解除,价带间的吸收降低。 Quantum well devices, namely using quantum well material as optoelectronic device active area, material growth is generally uses MOCVD Ting technology. Characteristic of this device is that a quantum well active region which has a quasi-two-dimensional properties and quantum size effect. The density of states of two-dimensional electron hole is a stepped distribution, quantum size effect determines the electron hole is no longer continuous distribution but concentrated occupies the first subband quantization, gain spectrum, and half wide in order to reduce the heavy hole valence band degeneracy, intervalence band absorption reduction. 2 量子阱器件基本原理 The basic principle of the 2 quantum well device 2.1 量子阱基本原理 The basic principle of the 2.1 quantum wells   半导体超晶格是指由交替生长两种半导体材料薄层组成的一维周期性结构.以GaAs/AlAs半导体超晶格的结构为例:在半绝缘GaAs衬底上沿[001]方向外延生长500nm左右的GaAs薄层,而交替生


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