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十里锦城项目招标书(一号黑体字) 院 系:X X X(三号黑体字,下同) 专 业 班:XX05XX班 姓 名:X X X 学 号:2005XXXXXXX 指导教师:X X X 200X年X月 摘 要 本设计以在建项目——十里锦城C08号楼为依托,根据目前我国招投标情况、项目实际情况,通过对该招标项目做出详细的招标策划过程,加入了工程量清单的应用。 招标投标是一种特殊的市场交易方式,是采购人事先提出货物工程或服务采购的条件和要求,邀请众多投标人参加投标并按照规定程序从中选择交易对象的一种市场交易行为。招标文件是招标人向供应商或承包商发出的,旨在向其提供为编写投标文件所需的资料并向其通报招标投标将依据的规则和程序等项内容的书面文件。 工程量清单是招标文件的组成部分,由发包人或受其委托具有工程造价咨询资质的中介机构,按照工程量清单计价办法和招标文件的有关规定,根据施工设计图纸及施工现场实际情况编制。工程量清单计价是建设工程招投标中与定额计价相区别的一种新的计价方式,他由分部分项工程量清单、措施项目清单、规费和税金、其他项目清单组成。由于工程量清单计价是自主确定工料机消耗量和自主确定工料机单价,使得其清单工程量与计价工程量相分离,使得其报价具有市场价格的本质特征。 关键词:招标;招标文件;工程量清单计价 Abstract The tender document is the tender person sends out to the supplier or the contractor, will be for the purpose of providing the material which and to its notification tender bid to it will need for the compilation tender documents the basis rule and the procedure and so on content written matter. The resilience detailed list is the tender document constituent, has by the contract award person or its request the building cost of projects consultation intelligence Facilitating agency, according to resilience detailed list valuation means and tender document concerned requirements, according to executive project blueprint and job location actual situation establishment. The resilience detailed list valuation is the construction project incurs in the bid one new valuation way which distinguishes with the fixed quantity valuation, he by the branch sub-item resilience detailed list, the measure project detailed list, the gauge spends with the tax money, other project detailed list is composed. Because the resilience detailed list valuation is the independent definite manpower and materials machine consumption and the independent definite manpower and materials machine unit price, causes its detailed list resilience and the valuation resilience separates, enables its quoted price to have the market price substantive characteristics. K



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