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试论同义词的判定 人文学院 汉语言文学专业 胡静 指导老师: 聂志平(教授) 摘要:同义词的判定是一个古老的问题,本文首先聚焦定义,把曾经研究中的对于同义词的定义进行分类讨论,分为义等义近说,概念同一说,对象同一说,一义相同说这四大块。逐个分析了它们的优缺点,并最终认为一义相同说才是最符合汉语实际的同义词判定标准。文章的第二个重点部分笔者就核心标准展开,探讨了同义词判定的必要前提和适当的补充条件,包括几个方面:时空限制、同义词单位、同义词与同义现象,以期更好的完善同义词的判定标准。词性问题和感情色彩问题,是同义词研究中经常出现分歧的两个方面,本文认为只有词性意义相同的两个义位才能构成同义关系,感情色彩意义方面则要提出何所谓真正的感情色彩意义,真正的感情色彩意义不同,甚至相反是不会影响同义词的判定的。 关键词:汉语;词汇学;同义词;标准;一义相同说 Try to Discuss the Judgement of the Synonyms College of Humanities Chinese Language and Literature Author:Hu Jing Instructor: Nhi-Ping (Professor) Abstract :he Judgement of the synonyms is an old issue. Firstly ,the paper focuss definition. Categories on the once research of synonymous ,and divided it into four kinds : near-synonyms, the same concept , the same object, only one meaning is the same. Analysis the strengths and weaknesses of the four kinds,and finally we think the last kind is appropriate of chinese actual .In the second part of article, we focus on the core standards of the synonyms and make some necessary supplement about the judgement of the synonyms .It includes some aspects,for example, the restrictions of the time and space, the form of synonyms, synonyms and the phenomenon of same meaning .These aspects make us judge the synonyms well. The recognizing of the Lexical category’s problem and the emotional’s problem is often different.We think if the two meanings have the different Lexical category significance ,they can not be synonymous. Then we will discuss that what is the real emotional significance . The real emotional significance will not affect the Judgement of synonyms. Key words: Chinese; vocabulary; synonyms; standards; only one meaning is the same 一、引言 同义词研究最早可以追溯到《尔雅》的时代,我国现存最早的词典《尔雅》,以“×××,×也。”的形式对词义的内容做出概括,其中有许多属于同义词之列。到了清代,同义词现象被研究得更为细致,而且已形成初步理论,如段玉裁的“浑言”、“析言”理论。但如同其他语言学现象没有得到系统的研究一样,同义词现象甚至在二十世纪三四十年代还被列为修辞学现象来进行研究。一直到二十世纪五十年代以后汉语同义词现象才真正引起众多学者的注意,并开始以语言学眼光来看待这个现象。至此,汉语词汇学成为一门独立的学科,而同义词研究也成了词汇学中的一个热点问题。学者们坚持不


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