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致谢(Acknowledgements) 致谢是论文撰写人向所有对论文撰写提供过帮助的人表示感谢的机会。致谢的对象一般包括在研究工作中提出指导意见、提出建议和提供帮助的人以及其他协助完成研究工作、提供便利条件或者允许使用其出版物或书面资料的组织或个人。致谢对象不应包括对论文无具体帮助的父母、配偶、朋友、子女、宠物等。 致谢结尾处应签上(或打印上)论文撰写人姓氏以及名字的首字母。 Acknowledgements My special thanks first go to Mr. Su Jianhong who has spent much of his precious time proof-reading the drafts of my thesis. Without his valuable instruction and advice, this paper would not have been able to be finished smoothly. I also want to express my sincere gratitude to all the teachers who taught me in the four years of my study in Jiangsu University. I have greatly benefited from their instruction. And at last I wish to thank those of my classmates who helped me in the course of my writing this paper and in my college life. Zhuang XQ Acknowledgements First, I would like to give my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Mr. Zhang Jie, who gave me great help during the whole process of my thesis writing. Thanks to his patience, kindness, encouragement and good advice, I can successfully finish my paper. I also want to give my thanks to all the teachers who taught me during four years’ study, especially Professor Su Jianhong, who conducted the grammar courses and intensive reading and Professor Sun Zhixiang, who conducted the course of English For International Business Communication. Both of their lectures are very helpful to my job in the future. Finally, I would like to give my thanks to my family. Without their support, this paper could not have been finished. Acknowledgements The accomplishment of this paper benefits from the enlightenment of my supervisor, Su Jianhong, whose inspiring insights, generous encouragement, and enthusiastic instruction have helped a lot through my thesis writing. His penetrating and insightful comments furnish me with inspiring source. He has been in constant concern about my paper, spared no pains to revise my thesis draft. I would also like to extend my since


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