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要求会写 1.Develop ment 发展(名词后缀)[divel?p] 2.Information 信息[,?nf?mei??n] 3.technology 技术? [tekn?l?d?i] 4.reduced price 降低价格[[r?`djust]] 5.communication(交流) products(产品)[k?,mju:nikei??n] [prais] 6.necessity 必需品[nisesiti] 7.obvious 显而易见的[?bvi?s] 8.shorten 缩短[??:tn] 9.distance 距离[dist?ns] 10.between 在……之间[bitwi:n] 11.convenient 方便[k?nvi:nj?nt] 12.thanks to it 由于 13.contact 联系[k?nt?kt] 14.any time and any where 随时随地 15.however 然而 无论如何[hauev?] 16.notice 注意[n?utis] 17.bring 带来 18. trouble 麻烦、打扰[tr?bl] 19. press 按[pres] 20. shout 呼喊 shout loudly 大声叫喊[?aut] [`la?dl?] 21.in public 在公共场合[p?blik] 22.as if 好像 似乎 23.present 存在的[prez?nt] 24.ring响铃 25.continuously持续不断 26.formal 正式的[f?:m?l] 27.occasion 场合[?kei??n] 28.around 在周围[?raund] 29.noise 噪音[n?iz] 30.concentration 专心[,k?ns?ntrei??n] 31.what they are doing 他们正在做些什么事情。 要求认识 词汇: 1.Uncivil behavior 不文明的行为[,?nsivil] [biheivj?] 2.Moral 道德的 rights 权利[m?:r?l] 3.Minority 少数的 a……of [main?riti] 4.Attribute……to…… 把……归因于[?tribju:t] 5.distort 干扰、扭曲[dist?:t] 6.continuous 持续不断的k?ntinju?s] 7.a ccount for 解释 8.Be confined to 局限于[k?nfa?nd] 9.violate 违反[vai?l?nt] 10.be subiect 受……支配[s?bd?eis?nt] 11.significant 重大的[siɡnifik?nt] 12.inspection 检查、检测[?n`spek??n] 13.in addition 此外[?di??n] 14.lower 降低[l?u?] 15.due to 由于[dju:] 16.resolu tion 解决方法 resolve解决[riz?lv] solve 解决[s?lv] 17.convince sb of sth 使某人相信某事[k?nvins] 18.constant 始终如一的[k?nst?nt] 19.concentration 专心的[,k?ns?ntrei??n] 20.pose 造成[p?uz] pose a threat to sb 威胁 语法P178-235略 阅读理解: P394 1.〈句首〉It is difficult to imagine what life would be like without memory。很难想象没有记忆的生活会是什么样子。 〈翻译〉:Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep information available for later use.记忆可以定义为存储信息以备后用的能力。 (1)The past is connected with the present by memory.它将我们过去和现在的经历联系起来。 (2)it warns people not to do things repeatedly 它警告人们不要重复地做事 (3)Human beings are far superior to computers.人类远比电脑高级。 (4)It can be expanded by language.可以通过语言扩充。 (5)Having a far greater memory capacity.有远远大于动物的记忆容量。 P240 2.〈句首〉You`re half


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