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大学生环境组织如何保护湿地 ————黄绿君 王珊珊 摘要:湿地是介于水体生态系统和陆地生态系统之间的一种生态系统,不仅具有涵养水源、净化水质、调节气候和保护海岸等巨大的生态功能,也是生物多样性富集的地区,是生命的摇篮和乐园,有“地球之肾”之称。然而,我国湿地生态系统的现状却不容乐观,由于人口的增长、湿地围垦、过度开发和利用及各种污染,天然湿地急剧减小,湿地功能和效益不断下降,湿地资源保护面临严重威胁。本文在此基础上,探索了之所以会出现这种现状的原因,结合各高校环境保护组织的实际情况,提出了在全国诗歌十个代表省(市、自治区)组建一个思想、行动高度一致的环保体系的构想。并以新疆大学绿诺环境保护协会中的“保护母亲河”项目为例,详细说明团体分子之一在湿地 保护方面的活动安排。湿地是一个大范围的概念,它对全球气候的影响及它所具有的巨大生态功能是各个湿地生态系统累加效应的表现,因而我们保护湿地的行动也应在一个较为广泛的层面上进行。在全国范围内,各据点先在总体目标与要求下分头行动,并辐射式宣传与发展,然后联成一体,以期为保护湿地.创造绿色未来作一些贡献。 关键词:湿地 湿地的功能与现状 大学生环境组织 全民湿地保护行动 社团联合体 湿地保护 累积效应 Students environmental organizations on how to protect wetlands Abstract: The wetland is between water ecosystems and terrestrial ecosystems between an ecosystem, not only conserve water sources, purifying water, regulating climate and the protection of marine ecological functions, such as huge, but also enriched the area of biological diversity, Paradise and the cradle of life, renal Earth, said. China, however, the wetland ecosystem in the status quo should not be optimistic, as a result of population growth, wetlands reclamation, and the development and use of excessive pollution, natural wetlands dramatically reduced, and wetland functions and efficiency has continued to decline, and wetland resources conservation facing a serious threat. Based on this basis, to explore the reason for this status quo, environmental protection organizations and colleges and universities with the actual situation in the country by the representatives of 10 poems provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) the formation of thinking and actions of a high degree of unanimity the concept of environmental protection system. Wetlands is a large scope of the concept, its impact on the global climate and it is the tremendous ecological functions of the various wetland ecosystem cumulative effect of the performance, so that we protect the wetland action should also be a more general level on. At the national level, the first position in the overall objectives


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