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1.The degree of fixity of the hierarchy of basic needs. (基本需要层次的固定性程度) (1) There are some people in whom, for instance, self-esteem seems to be more important than love. 例如,在某些人身上,自尊似乎比爱更重要。 (2) There are other, apparently innately creative people in whom the drive to creativeness seems to be more important than any other counter-determinant. 显然,还有另外——种天生就富有创造性的人,这种人身上的创造驱力比其它任何反问决定因素都重要。 (3) In certain people the level of aspiration may be permanently deadened or lowered.? 有些人的志向水平可能永远处于死寂或低下状态。 (4) The so-called psychopathic personality is another example of permanent loss of the love needs. 所谓有心理病态的人格是说明永远失去爱的需要的另一个例子。 (5) Another cause of reversal of the hierarchy is that when a need has been satisfied for a long time, this need may be underevaluated. 另——个需要层次倒置的原因是,当一种需要已得到长时间满足时,这种需要的价值可能被低估。 (6) Another partial explanation of?apparent?reversals is seen in the fact that we have been talking about the hierarchy of prepotency in terms of consciously felt wants or desires rather than of behavior.? 对于显而易见的需要层次优先顺序的颠倒,另一种不完整的解释是我们一直是从意识中感觉到的需要或欲望的角度来讨论需要层次的优先顺序的,而不是从行为的角度。 (7) Perhaps more important than all these exceptions are the ones that involve ideals, high social standards, high values and the like. 也许比这些例外都更为重要的是那些与理想、高尚的社会准则、高尚的价值观等相关的例外。 以上所述没有顾及这佯一个事实:在任何有关挫折承受力的全面探讨中,都应包括一定的纯粹的习惯因素。 重要识记: A fixed order:一成不变的 Rigid:严格的,僵硬的,死板的 Reversal:逆转、反转,倒置。 Means-to-an-end :达到目标的手段。 Self-assertion:自我肯定 Count-determinant:反向决定因素 Prepotent:优先性 Chronic:慢性的,长期的,习惯的。 Deadened:死寂的,麻木的 Psychopathic personality:病态人格 Reflex:反应能力 Withstand:经得起,反抗。 Weather:经受住,使风化,受风吹雨打。 Persecution:迫害,烦扰。 Habituation:习惯化。 2.Degree of relative satisfaction. 相对满足的程度 If one need is satisfied, then another emerges. “如果一个需要得到了满足,另一个需要则随之出现。” In actual fact, most members of our society who are normal, are partially satisfied in all their basic needs and partially unsatisfied in all their basic needs at the same time. A more realistic description of the hierarchy would be in terms of decreas


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