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seat n. 座位 1、Are there enough seats for everyone? 座位够吗? 2、It has the most comfortable seats. 有最舒适的座位。 3、have / take a seat 坐下 4、take one’s seat 就坐 Close的用法 close adj. 接近be close to 靠近;在…的附近 e.g. Our school is close to a park. 我们的学校靠近一个公园。 It’s the closest to home. 离家最近。 亲密的,亲近的 e.g. We are close friends. 我们是亲密的朋友。 关;关闭 v. e.g. Close the door, please! 请关上门。 ticket ticket n. 票;入场券 e.g. buy tickets quickly 买票快 I want to buy two tickets. 我想买两张票。 a ticket to … …的票 a train ticket to Beijing 一张去北京的火车票 two train tickets to Tianjin 2张去天津的火车票 常见的名词+to+名词结构 the key to the door 这扇门的钥匙 the answer to the question 这个问题的答案 the bridge to knowledge 通向知识的桥梁 the way to the school 去学校的路 Which is more important? comfortable seats 舒适的座位 new movie   新电影 big screen   大屏幕 close to home  离家近 friendly service  友好的服务 in a fun part of town城区最佳位置 cheap popular Tape script Boy1: Do you want to go the movies? Girl: Sure. Boy2: I’ll go , too. Boy1: OK, great. What’s the best movie theatre to go to? Boy2: Town Cinema. It’s the closest to home. Girl: Yes, but they don’t have the new movies there. Boy2: Maybe not, but it’s the cheapest. Boy1: I think Movie Theatre has the most comfortable seats. Girl: I like the Screen City because it has the biggest screens. Boy1: It’s the most popular cinema, too. Boy2: That means it’s crowded. Boy1:Well, Town Cinema isn’t crowded, it has the friendliest service. Girl: Its also in a fun part of town. Girl: It’s also in the most fun part of town. Boy1: Let’s look at the movie times in the newspaper and then decide. Girl: OK with me. Boy2: Me, too. Task One: Do some exercises. 一 写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级: big _________ _________ cheap _________ _________ funny _________ _________ new _________ _________ close _________ _________ friendly _________ _________ comfortable ______


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