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Summer in Los Angeles Unit 1 Please write to me and send me some photos. 洛杉矶 洛杉矶是美国第二大城市,位于美国西海岸加州南部,是全世界的文化、科学、技术、国际贸易和高等教育中心之一,拥有巨大国际影响力。 一望无垠的沙滩和明媚的阳光、闻名遐迩的“电影王国”好莱坞、引人入胜的迪斯尼乐园和贝弗利山庄使洛杉矶成为一座举世闻名的“旅游城”和“电影城”。 洛杉矶的文化和教育事业也很发达。这里有世界著名的洛杉矶音乐中心、南加利福尼亚大学、加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校、加利福尼亚理工学院等。洛杉矶公共图书馆藏书量居全美第三位。洛杉矶还是世界上屈指可数的举办过两届夏季奥运会的城市之一。 Make a list for your travel. passport money camera shorts trousers sunglasses dictionary notebook computer pen Listen and complete the notes. Where Daming and Lingling are going:____________________ What they are going to do:_________ ___________________________ 3. How long they will stay: ____________ ____________________ 4. How many students there are in the group: ___________________________ They are going to do an English course. They are going to LA. They’ll stay for about four weeks. They are going in a group of 20. Now Listen and check (√) the things Betty suggests Lingling take . 1. dollars 2. shorts 3. jeans 4. T-shirts 5. pens 6. a dictionary 7. passport 8. sunglasses 9. notebooks √ √ √ √ √ √ 2.Listen and read. (Lingling is preparing for her trip to LA.) L:Hi,Betty. I’m making a list of things for my trip. I like to get things ready earlier. Can you help me? B:Sure. How can I help? L:Well, it sounds crazy, but I don’t know what to take. B:You should take notebooks, pens and a dictionary. L:OK. What clothes should I take to LA? B:When are you leaving and how long are you going to stay there? L:I’m leaving at the end of July and I’m going to stay there for four weeks. B:Shorts are good, or you can wear light trousers. It’ll be sunny and hot there. L:I haven’t got any sunglasses. I’ll buy a pair there. B:That’s a good idea. But remember, many things are more expensive in America. Have you got any American dollars? L:Yes. Is 200 dollars encough? B:If you’ve already paid for the air tickets and for homestay, it should be OK. L:What else?


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