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以上是有关诺和龙的疗效,那么安全性如何呢?一谈 到 口 服 降 糖 药 的 安 全 性 , 各 位 可 能 首 先 想 到 的 就 是 低 血 糖 事 件 , 综 合 大 量 的 临 床 试 验 发 现 : 就 低 血 糖 事 件 而 言 , 诺 和 龙 的 安 全 性 是 磺 脲 类 药 物 的 2.8倍 根据大量临床试验和医生经验总结出了以上的用药方法,需要注意的是以上用量是我们推荐的起始剂量,医生可根据具体情况适当增减药量。 诺和龙的最大剂量为:4mg/次,16mg/日。 ? 上边删除 PPAR 为一组核转录因子,包括PPAR-α、PPAR-γ、PPARδ。其中PPAR-γ在肝脏、脂肪和肌肉组织中被发现。研究表明它是脂肪细胞分化、脂代谢稳定和胰岛素作用的重要调控子。 噻唑烷二酮类(TZD)与PPARr结合后,激活PPARr-RXR(视黄醇X受体)复合物,与DNA的的特定反应位点结合,启动与胰岛素敏感 相关的基因转录,既增加葡萄糖转运子4(GLUT4)、脂肪酸转运蛋白(FATP)、脂肪酸结合蛋白(aP2)脂蛋白脂酶(ENZ) 等物质的蛋白合成。从而增加葡萄糖和脂肪酸的摄取。 39 The traditional stepwise approach aims primarily to control acute symptoms. Dietary measures and exercise are not usually sufficient to control glycemia beyond the first year of therapy. If monotherapy with an OAD (oral anti-diabetic) proves inadequate, combination therapy is usually started. If this also proves unsuccessful, conversion to insulin is the next step, either alone or in combination with an oral agent. In the majority of cases, the stepwise approach does not lead to sustained control. Many physicians intensify treatment only when symptoms of poor glycemic control become apparent, rather than when glycemic targets are not reached. Campbell IW. Br J Cardiol 2000; 7:625–631. 40 The early, aggressive approach to type 2 diabetes management avoids the risk of early treatment failure by adopting an intensive therapeutic strategy immediately upon diagnosis. Combinations of agents with complementary modes of action targeting the dual defects underlying type 2 diabetes (insulin resistance and ?-cell dysfunction) are most likely to support tight, long-term glycemic control. Furthermore, combination therapy with OADs (oral anti-diabetics), should be considered earlier in the regimen to provide additional glycemic control. Campbell IW. Br J Cardiol 2000; 7:625–631. References: 1. Jovanovic L, Hassman DR, Gooch B, et al, for the Repaglinide/Pioglitazone Study Group. Treatment of type 2 diabetes with a combination regimen of repaglinide plus pioglitazone. Diabetes R



