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安徽广播电视大学(论文) 浅谈我国商业银行零售业务发展中的问题与对策 The problems and Countermeasures of the development of retail business of commercial banks in China 学生姓名 许健 学号 1234001253886 学生专业 金融学 班级 2012秋 系 经济系 指导教师 曾老师 郑 重 声 明 本人呈交的毕业设计论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、图片资料真实可靠。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本学位论文的研究成果不包含他人享有著作权的内容。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式标明。本学位论文的知识产权归属于培养单位。 学生签名 许健 日期: 2015.5.21 2015年5月 致 谢 首先非常感谢我的导师曾老师,本文是在曾的教导下,几易其稿而完成的,无论是从论文的选题,提纲的拟订,初稿的修改还是最后的定稿,导师都细心给予指导。值此论文完成之际,谨向敬爱的汪老师表达我最诚挚的感谢和深深的祝福。 其次在论文的撰写中使用了大量的参考文献。没有这些科学工作者的智慧,将很难完成。因此,特别向所有参考文献的作者致以衷心的感谢。 最后,让我再真诚的感谢所有曾给予我关心和帮助的师长、朋友! 浅谈我国商业银行零售业务发展中的问题与对策 摘要:随着,初具规模,成为收入的一项重要来源,但目前的业务还仅局限于的初级阶段,本文拟从业务的基本理论入手,国家业务发展,业务的,提出业务的模式业务中的风险防范发展迅速,了收益。但发展不平衡,产品结构也存在不合理的现象,层次低,产品销售存在等现象制约了发展。我国的对策The problems and Countermeasures of the development of retail business of commercial banks in China Abstract: With the financial market integration of the retail business, after more than ten years of development has begun to take shape, and become an important source of business income of the commercial banks, but the retail business of commercial banks is only limited in the early stage of retail, this article from the basic theory of the retail business of Commercial Bank of draw lessons from the developed countries in the world commercial banks in the retail business development history, in-depth analysis of the necessity of the development of retail business, and put forward the risk in the development of the retail business model design and business development in the preventive measures, to promote the development of Chinas commercial banks in the retail business.?In China, the retail business of commercial banks has developed rapidly in recent years, but also promotes the commercial banks earnings..?However, the development of commercial banks is not balanced, the structure of the retail product struc


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