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选修六 Unit 4 Global warming Ⅰ.单项填空 1.(2010·安徽合肥高三检测)As far as I see,    is no possibility     he will win the tennis match this time. A.it;that B.there;that C.it;whether D.there;whether 解析:there is no possibility that...是固定句型,其中that引导的是同位语从句。句意:据我所知,这次他要赢得这场网球赛是不可能的。 答案:B 2.The prices of houses in this area    from¥300,000 to¥600,000 at present. A.divide B.separate C.range D.differ 解析:句意:目前这个地区的房价在¥30万至¥60万之间。divide分成;separate分开;range在……范围内变动;differ不同。 答案:C 3.(2010·江西南昌高三检测)I have no idea how it     that the man met with trouble again. A.came about B.came out C.came up D.came across 解析:How does/did it come about that...?意思是“……是怎样发生的?”句意:我不知道那个人怎么又遇上麻烦了。 答案:A 4.    exercise,he has built up his health. A.In case of B.Because C.As a result of D.In face of 解析:as a result of“由于……的结果”,符合句意及句子结构。because后需接句子;in case of以防万一;in face of面临,不顾。 答案:C 5.She     at her boss from behind her computer and didnt dare to say a word. A.glanced B.glimpsed C.glared D.stared 解析:句意:她从电脑后看了老板一眼,一句话也没敢说。glance at看一眼,瞥一眼;glimpse at无意中瞥见;glare at怒目而视;stare at凝视,盯着看。 答案:A 6.(2010·河南省实验中学高三检测)There are many things that I cant     living in big cities,one of which is the air pollution. A.keep up with B.come up with C.put up with D.catch up with 解析:put up with“容忍,忍受”,符合句意。keep up with跟上;come up with想起;catch up with赶上,均不符合句意。 答案:C 7.    he does his work,I dont mind what time he arrives at the office. A.So far as B.So long as C.In case D.Meanwhile 解析:句意:只要他做了他的工作就行,我不在乎他什么时间来办公室。so long as只要,符合题意。so far as远到,就……而言;in case以防万一;meanwhile与此同时。 答案:B 8.We should analyze the work     instead of concentrating only on some single parts. A.as a whole B.on the whole C.in general D.as a result 解析:句意:我们应该从整体来分析工作,而不是将注意力仅仅集中于某些孤立的部分。as a whole整体上来看;on the whole总的来说;in general总体上,大体上,笼统地;as a result结果。 答案:A 9.(2010·芜湖市高三检测)It was      that they would continue to work there until the flood went away. A.stuck


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