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 Each Indian tribe had a different language. Many Indians never learned any language?except?their own. Do you know how Indians from different tribes?talked to?each other? They had two ways to talk?without?sound. One way was by sign language; the other way by signals.   Sign language is a way of talking by using signs. Indians used sign language when they met strangers.?In?this way, they could find out whether the stranger was a friend or an enemy. In the Indian sign language, signs were made?with?the hands. One sign meant “man”。?Another meant “horse”。?To tell the?time?of day when something happened, an Indian pointed to the sky. He showed?where?the sun had been at the time.   Indians usually used signals when they wanted to?send?messages to someone far away.?To make?signals, an Indian might use a pony. He might use a blanket. Or he might use smoke, a mirror or fire arrows.   To signal that he had seen many animals, an Indian rode his pony?in?a large circle. Sometimes the Indian gave a signal like this and then went away to?hide. This?meant?that there was danger.   The blanket signal was?visible?from far away. An Indian held the corners of a blanket in his hands. Then he began to swing the blanket from side?to?side in front of him. An Indian could send many different signals with his blanket.   He could also send many signals with a mirror. He usually used the mirror to?warn?someone of danger. Or he attempted to get the attention of a person far away. But he also used it to send messages in code. Of course, mirrors could be used only when the?sun?was shining. At night, Indians used fire arrows for signaling.   An Indian also sent signals with smoke. He made a small fire of dry wood. Then he put grass or?green?branches on it. He held a blanket over the fire for a minute. When he removed the blanket?from?the fire, there was a?cloud?of smoke.?The number?of clouds of smoke told his message in code.   Now you can see that Indians didn’t need to learn each other’s language


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