设备买合同(外国供应商) final设备买合同(外国供应商) final.doc

设备买合同(外国供应商) final设备买合同(外国供应商) final.doc

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PURCHASE CONTRACT 购买合同 编号:PMP0505HW002 The Buyer: Sumida Electric(HK)Company Limited. Address: 14 Floor, Eastern Centre, 1065 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong Tel: 00852-2880 6788 Fax: 00852-2516 9465 Attn : MISS CHRISTINE HO 买方:胜美达 地址: 电话: 传真: 联系人: The Seller : Address: Tel: Fax: 卖方:外国供货商 地址: 电话: 传真: 本合同由买卖双方缔结。按下列条款,卖方同意售出、买方同意购买以下商品。 This Contract is made by and between the buyer and the seller, whereby the buyer agrees to buy and the seller agrees to sell the goods according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 一. 商品明细及交货相关 Commodity details and delivery related 商品名称、规格、数量、单价、金额/Commodity Specification、Quantity、Price、 Amount: 产品名称 Commodity 规格 Specification 单价(币种) Price ( ) 数量Quantity 单位Unit 总金额( ) Total Amount( ) 合计(大写) 设备详细配置参见卖方的报价单及产品目录,如报价单内容与本合同条款有抵触,以本合同条款为准。 Detailed configure of the equipment please refer to the quotation and its catalogue, If any inconsistent content involved in the quotation, please subject to the contract set forth. 原产地和生产厂家(COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURER): 装运期 (TIME OF SHIPMENT): 装运港 (PORT OF SHIPMENT): PORT *. F.O.B条款时,增加: 卖方负责办理货物的日本国内出口清关手续及负责支付货物装船前发生的日本当地费用(神户港),并联络买方指定的运输代理商---日通公司将货装船(船运费由胜美达到付)。 The Seller is responsible to pay all expenses including customs clearance cost and other local cost (Kobe port) before the cargoes have been loaded on the Vessel. The seller must use the forwarder which the buyer nominated, Nippon Express Co., Ltd. Kobe Intl Transport Branch. The ocean freight, which from Kobe port to Hong Kong port, will be collected by the buyer. 目的港 (DESTINATION POR


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