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美国留学学习计划模板 篇一:赴美留学用到的学习计划模板(英文) My Study Statement My name is XX, a Chinese male. I was born on 19XX. From 199X to 199X I studied XX in XX University , and graduated from this university in XX. This institute is an international cooperative school running by China and Canada, all of the courses are taught in English. The school focuses on training students? practical ability. During that period of time, I learned a lot and improved a lot, not only about English, but also the knowledge of management. In October. 2004, I take the IELTS exam confidently and got 6.0. I want to study more about business, business management and the real English. At last I choose Britain as the place to continue my study, I think it is one of the best study places for me. In Britain I can learn real English, know more things about the Westerns: their life, their work, their study, etc. The advanced teaching method, the beautiful teaching environment, the friendly people, the good teachers. All of these attracted me deeply. One happy thing is I have been received the acceptance letter of XX College. It is one of the famous universities in Britain. They prepare students thoroughly, maximize the potential of every one of the students, helping them to achieve a place at the kind of university which would be out of reach through less rigorous preparation. I am very happy to be a student of this university. This school can offer me the education that suit me well. The courses are taught in English, it is a challenge to me but I don?t think it will take me a long time. After all it is a part of daily life. Further more, I can get more exercise, for there are not so many students in every class. And there are more dedicated and excellent teachers who get along well with students. Also the courses I take will pay more attention to actively applying. School offers me an opportunity to communicate with each other and also improve us to develop other abilities. At la


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