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酒店贵宾登记程序标准操作 Guest Expectation 客人期望:I expect my arrival experience to be smooth, quick and flawless. As I am a guest who pays for an expensive room, I want to have a special service. 我希望我的到店体验是顺利的﹑快捷的﹑完美的。因为我付了很高的房价,我希望得到特别的服务。Why is this task important for you and our guests? 为什么该任务对你和我们的客人都很重要?Answers回答: We must provide efficient, accurate and courteous service to our guest. 我们必须向我们的客人提供高效﹑无误﹑谦恭的服务。 We must understand what our guests need and want.我们必须理解我们客人的需要及需求。 We must maximize guest satisfaction 我们必须让客人满意度最大化。 Improve hotel business. 要改善业务状况。 Improve GSTS score. 要提高宾客满意度分数。 Demonstrate our professionalism. 展示我们的职业水准 How /Standards标准 Coordinate with Airport and Concierge. 与机场和礼宾部协调 Verify time of arrival of guest. Obtain car registration and type of transportation. If Club Lounge guest, inform pursers of arrival. 确认抵达时间,如有接机,获得车型和车号如果是行政楼层的客人,通知行政楼层客人到达时间。 2) Have the welcome folder in hand. Registration Card Room Key Pen with hotel logo Welcome booklet Messages 准备好欢迎夹:登记卡;房间钥匙;酒店笔;欢迎册;留言等。 3 ) Ensure SA- Concierge is on hand to assist with guest’s luggage. 行李员服务行李 4)Greeting guest upon arrival in the driveway. 欢迎客人 5)Escort guests to the room. 房间引领 6)Club Floor guest, introduce to SA- Club Floor. 介绍客人给行政楼层员工 7)Entering and Explain. 进入房间,介绍 8)Registration 登记 9)Leave the guest room. 离开客人房间 Inform SA-Concierge who is the guest, which room number was assigned.(Note: IRC no need give the guest luggage tag) 通知行李员客人姓名和 房号。(注: IRC 不需要给行李卡) Smile and remain eye contact when the guest arrives. Say: Good morning/afternoon/evening, Mr./Ms. XX, welcome to Jiuzhai Paradise Intercontinental Hotel (If return guest, say: Welcome back) Shake hand firmly.(If there’s No against to guest’s traditional habit) Introduce yourself: Say: My name is XX, Guest Relations Officer. I will show your up to your room” If GM, RM or other managers are around, do introduce by saying. 微笑并保持目光接触在客人抵达时


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