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Lesson 42 Modern cavemen 现代洞穴人 Learning objectives 掌握一些单词的具体用法; 学习课文; 进行一些口语训练。 New words and expression caveman n. 洞穴人,粗暴的男人 =cave dweller洞穴人 pot-holing n. 洞穴探险 也作potholing =caving pothole 坑洞,锅穴 pot-holer 洞穴探险者 solitude n.孤独,独居,荒僻之地,幽静的地方 He passed twenty-four years in solitude. loneliness n. 孤独, 寂寞 This famous explorer finally died in loneliness. 这位著名的探险家最后在孤寂中死去。 Loneliness in a gloomy raining day may be unbearable to him. 对他来说,阴郁的雨天的寂寞是难以忍受的。 lonely adj. 寂寞的,荒凉的 A lonely star shone out against the black sky. 一颗孤星在黑色的夜空中闪闪发亮。 aloneness n. n. 孤独感, 单独 When a person cannot kill aloneness or find no one to communicate, no one to understand his life, the people will get angry. 当一个人不能打发孤独,找不到可以交流的人,没有人能理解他,便会积怨于心。 alone adj. 单独的,独自一人的,孤单的 adv. 独自地,仅仅 Do you ever take the subway alone late at night? 你有没有在深夜单独乘过地铁? You cant live on bread alone. 你不能仅靠面包维生。 isolation n. 隔离,孤立 The old man lives in isolation in the forest. 老人独自一人在森林中居住。 The patient was taken to the isolation ward. 这病人被移往隔离病房。 isolate vt.?使孤立,隔离 We should never isolate ourselves from the mass 我们永远不能脱离群众。 separation n. 分离,分居,缺口,分隔线 The long separation was a test of their love. 长期分离对他们的爱情是个考验. separate adj. 分开的,不同的,单独的,各自的 We dont have a separate dining room—the living area is all one. 我们没有单独的饭厅——活动空间都在一处。 v. 分开,隔开,区分,分居,脱离 Even numerous mountains and rivers cannot separate our friendship. 纵然是万水千山也隔不断我们的情谊。 privacy n. 隐居,隐私,秘密,私生活 They dont want their privacy invaded by reporters. 他们不想让他们的私生活被记者爆料。 private adj.私人的,个人的,私下的,私有的,缄默的 The president is paying a private visit to Europe. 总统正在欧洲进行私人访问。 We each have our private views about it. 我们每个人对这件事都有自己的看法。 lure vt.?诱惑,吸引 lure … into诱骗 ... 进入(某处)... We can lure the owner into leaving the house unlocked so that we can steal the jewels. 我们可以骗得主人不锁门离开家,这样我们就可以偷那些珠宝了。 lure away 劝说…离开 He tried in vain to lure her away from husband and home. 他企图诱使她离开丈夫和家庭,结果是枉费心机。 bring someone to the lure 引某人上钩 Since John is a womanizer, it is not difficult to


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