第一单元10篇: 城市第一单元10篇: 城市.doc

第一单元10篇: 城市第一单元10篇: 城市.doc

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第一单元 城市:北京和洛阳 本单元内容:1、洛阳及洛阳牡丹,2篇; 2、北京及主要景点,5篇(北京简介、紫禁城、颐和园、圆明园、天坛); 3、长城,3篇(简介、建造、功能) I. 洛阳及洛阳牡丹 Passage 1 Located in the west of Henan Province in central China, Luoyang occupies quite an important geographic location and had served as the capital city for 13 dynasties. Luoyang is also the cradle of Chinese civilization where many Chinese legends happened, such as Nvwa Patching the Sky, Dayu Controlling Flood, the Yellow Emperor establishing the Huaxia nation, the exile place of Peony Fairy and the like. As a result, the history has endowed Luoyang with a profound sense of culture. Luoyang peony has been very famous for its varieties and the beautiful colors because of the suitable climate and soil in Luoyang, blossoming extra-large flowers bearing the fame “the king of flowers”, as the famous ancient scholar Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072) wrote: “With the best natural conditions for the flowers in Luoyang, peony grows up to be a wonder in the world.” 译文 洛阳位于中原豫西,占据相当重要的地理位置,是十三朝故都。洛阳也是中华文明的摇篮,诞生过许多传说,如女娲补天、大禹治水、黄帝立华夏、也是牡丹仙子的流放地,等等,因此,历史赋予了洛阳丰富的文化底蕴 Passage 2 There is a legend going about the Luoyang Peony. One winter in Chang’an, the Tang empress Wu Zetian ordered all of the hundreds of flowers in her palace garden to bloom at once during the exact night. The next day, every kind of flower obeyed except the unyielding peony who would follow the natural rule. Then peony was driven out of the capital to Luoyang, thus became the love for the common people and was appreciated as “firm and unyielding” by people of one generation after another. Since Tang dynasty (618-907 A. D.), peony reached its prime in Luoyang and was ranked “the No. 1 flower in the world” in Song dynasty (960-1279 A. D.). 译文 洛阳牡丹有个传说。有一年冬天,在长安城,唐女皇武则天下令,她的皇家花园里成千上万种花卉,必须在当天夜里全部开放。次日,所有的花都遵照命令开放了,唯独不屈的牡丹要遵守时令规律。因此,牡丹被逐出长安到了洛阳,成了老百姓的最爱,并被人们尊为“坚定不屈的牡丹”而代代相传。自唐朝始,牡丹在洛阳达到了全盛期,并在宋朝(960-1279)被人们誉为“天下第一花”。 II. 北京及主要景点 Passage 1 Beijing is located in the northeastern corner of central China an



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