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Company Logo LOGO Contents Definition 2.Origion and development 3. New Theories and schools 5.Conclution 4.Effects and significance Company Logo Definition The influence of cultural elements on translation Translation is not the simple transform between two languages, it goes in special cultural environment Company Logo Background Growing up due to both internal and external cause Internal cause: enhance continually of the cultural awareness in translation genres; subordinate status of translation External cause: polybasic system of theory; the study of western culture; deconstruction thought Company Logo Internal cause enhance continually of the cultural awareness in translation genres subordinate status of translation Company Logo Homes Homes is the founder of translation study genres In 1971, he stressed in 《The Cross-Temporal in Verse Translation》 that poetry changed constantly, and the translators should think about the different cultural elements of different ages. In 1972, he proposed in《Rebuilding the Bridge at Bommel: Notes on the Limits Translatability》 that we shouldnot only consider about the language and cultural dimensionality, but also the social dimensionality. Company Logo Snell Hornby A representative of translation genre She thought that translation is an cross-cultural activity in her 《Translation Studies: An Integrated Approach》 She also emphasized that language is a part of culture, and the relatedness of language and culture. Company Logo Susan Bassnett The leader of cultural translation genre, and she makes great influence in translation all over the word She tends to make translation into big language environment She insisted that compared to the persons body culture, language is the heart of the body. And only if body and heart affect each other can person live. Company Logo André Lefevere Another important pe


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