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新视野英语教程(第3册) 课程 复习题(Ⅰ) 该门课程不用现场笔试考试,请学习该门课程的学生将答案手写A4纸上,于规定时间内交到班主任处;并按时参加课程辅导。未参加辅导并未按时上交复习题的学生按旷考处理。 将以下蓝色字内容写在A4答题纸题头: 年 级:______________________ 层 次:________________ 函授站名称:_____________________ 专 业:________________ 姓 名:________________ PartⅠGrammar (15 points, one point for each) Directions: Choose the best item to complete each of the following sentences.. 1. The severe flood_________ damage to the people, had we not built so many reservoirs. A. can cause B. might have caused C. had caused D. must have caused 2. Children are always happy. They can play________. A. for their heart’s content B. for their heart content C. to their heart’s content D. to their hearts’ content 3. It is ________ of you to walk down the street alone at midnight . A. efficient B. proud C. bold D. greedy 4. People used to think that the earth was flat,________? A. don’t they B. wasn’t it C. didn’t they D. usedn’t it 5. I hope they ________ this road by the time we come back next summer. A. are to repair B. will repair C. have repaired D. will have repaired 6. The garden ______ a strong fragrance. A. gave up B. gave off C. gave in D. gave away 7. Jack speaks to me ______ he were my teacher. A. even though B. if C. even if D. as if 8. Housewives who do not go out to work often feel that they are not working to their full_____ A. possibility B. strength C. length D. capacity 9. _______ will come and lend us a helping hand on such an awkward occasion? A. Who do you think B. Whom do you suppose C. Whom do you think D. Do you suppose who 10. He wore a shirt with black and white _______ A. stripes B. stings C. strings D. strips 11. The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only , but students became more interested in the lessons. A. saved was teachers’ energy B. was teachers’ energy saved C. teachers’ energy was saved D. was saved teachers’ energy 12. Encourage yo


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