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人教版四年级数学下册《求一个小数的近似数》教学反思《求一个小数的近似数》是人教版四年级教学内容。教学一开始我先和同学们一起复习了求整数近似数的方法——四舍五入法,为新课做好准备和铺垫。?教学新知时,我利用豆豆身高的近似数来引入:豆豆的身高是0.984米,小红说约是0.98米,小白说约1米,通过说法的不同引出争论。我通过引导,让学生在合作交流、自主探究、小组交流中把思维充分暴露出来,加深学生对用四舍五入法求小数的近似数方法的理解。学生理解了保留几位小数的含义:保留一位小数就是精确到十位,省略十分位后面的尾数;保留两位小数就是精确到百分位,省略百分位后面的尾数……我尽量让学生自己说出这些语句的,小结后让学生熟读。通过让学生试着把豆豆的身高保留二位小数、保留整数、保留一位小数,这样逐步过渡,让学生找出求一个小数的近似数的方法。?在比较近似数1.0与近似数1谁更精确些,我通过画图,直观地将1.0和1的取值展现在学生面前,从而使学生明白近似数末尾的0不能省略的道理,突破难点。这样的设计使学生在真正理解和掌握基本的数学知识与技能、数学思想和方法的同时,获得了广泛的数学活动经验,为学生的全面发展提供了更多的机会。?在练习中,我利用智力闯关的比赛形式,设计一些学生感兴趣的练习,让学生巩固了所学知识,?感受小数的近似数在生活中的应用,让学生感受到数学来源于生活,培养了孩子的探究能力。?不足之处也很明显:同学们出现较多的问题是不能准确写成符合要求的小数:比如4.985要求保留两位小数,错写成一位小数。还有,学生对小数不同数位的对应位置还不够熟练。 Writing material: three hundred philosophical storiesThe three hundred chapter of philosophical story1, a turkey and a cow idle gossip, Turkey said: I want to fly to the top of the tree, but I have no courage to say. Cattle: why I do not eat the cow dung, they are very nutritious. Turkey eat a cow dung, and found it did give it enough power fly to the root branch, the second day, the turkey ate more dung, fly to the second tree branches, two weeks later, the proud Turkey proudly flew to the top of the tree, but soon, a farmer saw it, quickly to shoot it down from the tree.The survival of 1: luck can let you reach the top of the peak, but can not let you stay there.2, the crow stands on the tree, the whole day doing nothing, rabbit saw a crow, ask: can I like you, the whole day what all need not stem? About the crow: of course, what is not?? so, the rabbit is under the tree on the ground began to rest, suddenly, a fox appeared in fox, it jumped to catch the rabbit, swallowed it.Survival of the road 2: if you want to stand and do nothing, then you must stand tall, very high.3, a bird bird fly to the south for the winter. The weather is very cold, and almost frozen bird. So, fly to a large space, after a cow there, in a pile of cow dung in the small bird, frozen bird lying on the dunghill, feel



