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What is life? 人生是路,铺满鲜花,也布满荆棘。 人生是烛,照亮别人,却燃尽自己。 Life is a road, strewn with flowers and beset with brambles. Life is a candle, illuminating others and burning itself out. 生不带来,死不带去。 At birth, we bring nothing; at death we take away nothing. Mouth Warm-up: Read the following, please. Life is a song. Sing it.人生是乐曲,歌唱吧。 Life is a gift. Accept it. 人生是礼物,接受吧。 Life is a duty. Perform it. 人生是责任,履行吧。 Life is a struggle. Fight it.人生是斗争,奋斗吧。 Life is a mystery. Unfold it. 人生是奥秘,揭开吧。 Life is a mountain. Climb it. 人生是山峰,攀登吧。 Life is an adventure. Dare it. 人生是奇遇,历险吧。 Life is a flower. Appreciate it. 人生是花朵,欣赏吧。 Life is a tragedy. Face it. 人生是悲剧,面对吧。 Life is a journey. Complete it. 人生是旅程,完成吧。 What is life ? Life is a boat. Sail it. 人生是帆船,扬帆吧。 Life is a game. Play it. 人生是游戏,玩耍吧。 Life is a drama. Enact it. 人生是戏剧,上演吧。 Life is a puzzle. Solve it. 人生是困惑,解开吧。 Life is a dream. Dream it. 人生是幻境,梦游吧。 Life is a garden. Cultivate it. 人生是花园,栽培吧。 Life is a challenge. Meet it. 人生是挑战,迎接吧。 Life is a sorrow. Overcome it. 人生是哀伤,克服吧。 Life is an opportunity. Take it. 人生是机遇,抓住吧。 Life is a goal. Achieve it. 人生是目标,实现吧。 What is life ? Conclusion: Life is life. Love it, live it and enjoy it. 人生就是人生, 热爱、度过并享受人生吧。 Test your memory Quotations On Life from Celebrities 名人论人生 Reading Aloud and Reciting 要支配人生,二十岁靠意志,三十岁靠机敏,四十岁靠判断。— 富兰克林 At twenty years of age, the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgment.-- Benjamin Franklin 人生的大悲剧不在于人们死亡,而在于他们不再热爱生活。— 毛姆 The great tragedy of life is not that men perish, but that they cease to love.-- William Maugham Quotations from Celebrities 人生的悲剧不在于人们所受的苦,而在于他们错失的良机。— 卡莱尔 The tragedy of life is not so much what men suffer, but what they miss. -- Thomas Carlyle 人生是一连串教训,经历了才会理解。— 爱默生 Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood. -- Ralph Emerson Quotations from Celebrities 人生的意义不在于一个人获得了什么,而在于他渴望获得什么。— 纪伯伦 The significance of the life of a man is not in what he attains but rather in wh


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