Unit4 I want to be an actor 课件.ppt

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* Unit 4 I want to beanactor Made by Xianghong From Bali Middle School Let’s enjoy the song! doctor, actor, lawyer or a singerwhy not president, be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be police man, fire fighter or a post manwhy not something like your old manyou can be just the one you wanna bedoctor, actor, lawyer or a singerwhy not president, be a dreameryou can be just the one you wanna bePeerless a student a waiter a nurse a reporter a policeman I work with people and money. People give me their money or get their money from me. a bank clerk I like talking to people. I meet interesting people every day. And ask them questions. A reporter She wears a uniform. Sometimes she works late. Her work is kind of dangerous. a policewoman She work in a police station. a nurse I wear a white uniform and I help doctors. Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes at night. People call us “anger in white”. He can do all kinds of things. A lot of people like them. He works outside. an actor He is often very cool. He is in a film. Add your text Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 What do you think of her job? I think it’s … … exciting dangerous important(重要的) - - - - - - Describe the jobs 用形容词描述职业 Add your text Example 1 Example 3 Example 4 What do you think of his job? I think it’s … … difficult dangerous great 伟大的 - - -- - - Describe the jobs 用形容词描述职业 Add your text Example 1 Example 2 Example 4 What do you think of their jobs? I think they’re … … tired累的 dirty great important Describe the jobs 用形容词描述职业 Add your text Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 What do you think of his job? I think it’s … … fun - - - - - -谚语 Describe the jobs 用形容词描述职业 谚语 There are three hundred and sixty trades and every trade has its master. (三百六十行,行行出状元。 ) Nothing is impossible.(没有什么不可能。) Match the words with the pictures. 1a a b c d e f ___ exciting3. ___ busy5. ___ difficult ___ dangerous 4. ____ fun6. ___ boring a c f e b d1b pair work 两人一组,任选一幅图片问答What doe



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