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Chapter 2 Operations Strategy 第二章 运营战略 Chapter Overview 本章概述 This chapter discusses operations strategy and its relationship to the strategies of other functional areas, as well as the organization’s overall strategy. It discusses the various operational strategies that are derived from competitive priorities. The classical competitive priorities are low cost, high quality, fast delivery, and flexibility, with service emerging in the 1990s. New competitive priority may come from environmentally friendly processes and environmentally friendly products, as well as the use of information. This chapter also examines Terry Hill’s concept of order-qualifiers and order-winners. Finally, it discusses the integration of goods and services in obtaining competitive advantage 本章介绍了运营战略的基本概念和内容以及运营战略与企业其他职能战略之间的关系,还有运营战略与企业总体战略之间的关系。阐述根据企业竞争优势所采取的不同运营战略。传统的竞争优势是低成本,高质量,快速交货,柔性以及20世纪90年代出现的服务优势。新的竞争优势可能会是环保工艺和环保产品以及信息的应用。本章还介绍了德瑞·希尔教授的订单资格要素和订单赢得要素的概念。最后,本章阐述了将产品与服务结合所产生的竞争优势。 Major Points of Chapter 本章要点 Operations strategy must be compatible with other functional strategies, and also with the overall business strategy. 1.运营战略必须与企业其他职能部门的职能战略相结合,并与企业的总体战略保持一致。 Two major trends have impacted the role of operations strategy--globalization, and technology. 2.两个影响运营战略的新趋势是经济全球化趋势与技术发展的趋势。 Operations strategies are derived from the competitive priorities, which include low cost, high quality, fast delivery, flexibility, and service. New sources of competitive advantage may come from environmentally friendly processes and environmentally friendly products, and from the use of information. 3.运营战略缘于企业的竞争优势,包括低价格,高质量,快速交货,柔性和服务。新的竞争优势可能会是环保工艺和环保产品以及信息的应用。 The traditional view is that the various competitive priorities are traded-off against each other. However, many organizations are now finding it important to excel in all areas simultaneously. 4.传统理论认为各种竞争优势是互相冲突的。但是,现在很多企业发现同时具有很多种优势很重要。 Terry Hill has developed the strategic concept of “order-qualifiers” and “order-winners


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