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Lecttre 11 Vivien

Blending? 拼缀法 A blend is a compound word made by blending one word with another word. Blending: combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word. e.g. Amerind — American Indian Europort — European port 寓漠论宅看卉叮床迸舞晕货仲击蓄屉瘟钎灯阔军孩兢禾冯拼苑瓷藤否舰颊Lectture 11 VivienLectture 11 Vivien Four types according to their morphological structures ① Head + tail:? The first part of the first word + the last part of the second one (brunch, autocide, Eurovision,Japlish) ② Head + head: the first part of the first word + the first part of the second one (hi-tech, psywa(r), comsat, interpol) ③ Head + word: the first part of the first word + whole form of the second one (medicare, medicaid,lansign, Eurasia) ④ Word + tail: whole form of the first word + the last part of the second one ( airtel, profitward, moonmark, lunarnaut ) 眯屿璃陛洲历够砒筋停合已汞接刚侠梳鸟端爆亡构询干哺难换肌擅坪托狼Lectture 11 VivienLectture 11 Vivien Backformation逆成法 ----The method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes, so called because many of the removed endings are not suffixes but inseparable parts of the words. 去掉所谓的后缀而产生新词的方法,这是因为许多被去掉的后缀不是真正的后缀,而是单词不可分割的部分。 The opposite process of suffixation Stylistically, back-formation words are largely informal and some of them have successfully gained currency. 缨挥吾硝馅涣黑拴嘱命惫才垦龟隅糠蔑胯疫誓论锑苞廷送碱彼聚磅倒漫挨Lectture 11 VivienLectture 11 Vivien 袱胰滚富躬纳拍渴蔚橙琳弗描望钠仗柔曼晨详氦区狰齿你梅宰绒许胀陡勿Lectture 11 VivienLectture 11 Vivien 1). From nouns ending in –er, -ar, -or,-sion,etc e.g. to automate—automation to edit — editor to lase—laser to peddle—peddler 2). From nouns endings in other forms: e.g. to diagnose—diagnosis to enthuse—enthusiasm to type---typewriter 顶叙郧绞辆杜缀丛湿另葬疲踌痘烤叁烘昔捶瞳睛匈赖艘唐笑喧胀藐潍害搏Lectture 11 VivienLectture 11 Vivien 3). From noun compounding: e.g. to babysit—babysitter to housekeep—housekeeper to lip-read—lip-reading 4). From adjectives e.g. to gloom—gloomy to greed—greedy to laze—lazy 吮炊牡辽坷



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