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NNPB Lightweight Process 小口压吹轻量化工艺 及其强度的控制 四川天马玻璃有限公司 成型管理 田文忠1联系电ontents内容纲要Basis of NNPB小口压吹工艺概述Weight Reduction轻量化Examples举例Advantages Profitability行业优势并盈利小口压吹中对玻璃瓶强度的控制????2 小口压吹成型过程中的玻璃温度曲线图 小口压吹制瓶工艺图示小口压吹对初模的闭合力要求严格,抱钳的夹紧力,闷头的下压力,是减少成型缺陷的重点小口压吹和广口压吹都要注意下面的各压力参数Basis and Preconditions基本技术条件Our priorities for the research activities have been: Control of distribution最优控制玻璃分布 Control of strength最优控制玻璃强度Increasing speed as a function of container weight1.2 2.3. 瓶子越轻,机速越快The function times of an optimum lightweight bottleprocess - which needs longer reheat time3Lightweight is not only IS-Maschine but the entireprocess from glass chemistry to inspection轻量化是整个生产工艺的综合技术 Lightweight Process 轻量化工艺 Glass / Furnace熔化质量/窑炉Forming Know- how 专有成型技术Container Coating 涂层Container and Mould Design瓶型及模具设计IS – Machine 行列机Cold End 冷端检验4What is the background of Lightweighting?轻量化的发展背景 A bottle is only as strong as its weakest spot. 瓶子的最大强度决定于瓶身的最弱点位 You can make a bottle heavier but it would not be stronger if it still has a thin wall somewhere.瓶壁越厚不等于瓶子越结实,壁 厚均匀是关键。 Typical BB Process bottles are like this were the circle distribution is insufficient at the settle blow wave吹吹工艺产生的扑气环(两 节料)处使得瓶身玻璃分布不均5Comparison of BB and NNPB Vertical Sections纵向剖面比较BB - 吹吹工艺BB - 吹吹工艺 NNPB - 小口压吹工艺6BB - Process吹吹工艺 / Heye NNPB Process海叶小口压吹工艺7小口压吹初模成型照片欣赏小口压吹在成型过程中的玻璃分布模拟图Basis and Preconditions基本技术条件Tasks of reheating二次加热的目的A good passive reheating of inner and outer surface of the parisonwhich have been in contact with metal during the forming.由金属芯子与玻璃液直接接触压制成型,使玻璃液内外表面相对均匀,直接影响二次加热的效果。A relatively low temperature gradient before final blow is desired.正吹气之前,需要相对较低的降温梯度。During the reheat-procedure micro-damages on the contactsurface glass / blank mould / plunger can be partly healed.消除接触面(初型模具/芯子处)的微小损伤。努力减少玻璃与芯子的接触时间,适当延长雏形的重热时间试图最大限度的减少表面微裂纹的存在。8 Typical Process Time on IS(%) 100 blow mould22 %contact time成型模时间8033 %6034 %33 % BB Reheating 二次加热时间blank mouldcontact time初型模时间58 %


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