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1. 中国服饰文化指的是中国的汉族和各少数民族的传统服饰文化。中国是一个有56个民族的国家,由于受到各民族文化、传统和地理特征的影响,各民族的服饰风格各不相同。另一方面,中国各民族在穿衣风格上也互相渗透并互相影响。服装式样是各民族的重要标志。各民族服装的变化显示了其经济生活、宗教信仰、理想信念、审美情趣和风俗习惯的发展。 Chinese costume culture refers to the traditional culture of costumes of the Hans and the minorities. China is a country consisting of 56 nationalities, and each of them has its own clothing style with distinct ethnic characteristics due to the influence of different cultures, traditions, and geographical features. On the other hand, they have influenced and learned from one another in the way of dressing. Dresses are the important symbols of the nationalities. The changes of clothing manifest the development of an ethnic group’s economic life, religious belief, ideology, aesthetic consciousness and customs. 2. 中国的餐桌礼仪最重要的原则是“食不言”。吃饭不讲话被认为有益健康。但若是参加社交的宴会(banquet),不语就失礼了。社交宴会上的座次和上菜次序很复杂。每上一道菜要由尊者或长者先食,他一般坐于桌首位置。开饭后要尽量坐得靠前,以免掉落食物弄脏衣服,吃的时候尽量不要发出声响。此外,喝汤的时候不可过快,应尽量小声。 The most important role of Chinese table manners is to remain silent while eating. Not talking over meals is supposed to be good for the health. It is impolite if people do not talk to each other during a social banquet. The table arrangements and serving order for a social banquet are extremely complicated. Each dish should be tasted by the eldest person who is seated at the head of the table. The diners should sit close to the table so food won’t drop on their clothes. Try your best not to make noise when chewing. One should drink soup slowly and is not supposed to make a lot of noise. 3. 在中国,动物被赋予了独特的象征意义。例如:在中国传统文化中,金鱼象征财富。中国人过春节(the Spring Festival)时,最常见的年画(New Year Picture)就是一个大胖小子怀抱一条大金鱼,取意“富裕和谐”。在中国的传说中,蝴蝶象征着恋人之间至死不渝的爱情。虎在中国文化中是尊贵、力量和勇气的象征。在某些少数民族(ethnic minority)文化中,人们认为燕子成对出现能够带来美满婚姻与幸福生活。 In China, animals are endowed with special symbolic meanings. For example, the goldfish means abundance of gold in traditional Chinese culture. In the Spring Festival, one of the most popular New Year Pictures is a plump baby holding a large go


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