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Unit 5 The UK Economy (英国的经济)   一、本单元重点内容 1. Absolute decline and relative decline of British economy (英国经济的绝对衰败和相对衰败) 2. The privatization in the 1980s (20世纪80年代的私有化) 3. The main sectors of the UK economy (英国经济的主要部门):  Primary industries (第一产业): Agriculture (农业) Energy production (能源生产)  Secondary industries (第二产业) : The manufacturing industry (制造业)                 eg. The aerospace industry (航空和航天工业) Tertiary industries / service industries (第三产业/服务业) 4. The City of London (伦敦金融城) 5. The London Stock Exchange (伦敦证券交易所) 二、本单元重、难点辅导 Absolute and relative decline of the British Economy 1) By the 1880s, dominant in the world--- 1/3 of the world’s manufactured goods; 1/2 of the world’s coal, iron and cotton; shipping greater than the sum of the rest of the world. 2) By 1900, overtaken by the U.S and Germany. 一直到19世纪80年代,英国经济一直在世界上居于主导地位。但是到20世纪时,它被美国和德国超过。 3) From 1945(the year when WWII ended) until present, thought of as relative decline because of steady economic growth and rapidly increasing living standards and still remaining one of the Group of Seven industrial economies(七大工业国:US, UK. Germany, France, Japan, Italy and Canada), but other countries developed more rapidly, so it slip from being the 2nd largest economy to being the 6th. 自1945年二战结束以来,英国经历了经济衰退,但是这是一种相对衰退,而不是绝对衰退。英国比1945年更富有了,生产力更强了,且仍然是七大工业国之一,这七大工业国是美国、英国、德国、法国、日本、意大利和加拿大。但是由于其它国家发展得更快,所以英国经济从第2位下滑至第6位。 4) causes for the relative decline 相对衰退的原因 ① Britain has gone into heavy debt to finance the war (selling many accumulated overseas assets, borrowing large amounts from the US and Canada)  为了给战争筹集资金,英国已经背上了沉重的债务 ② British colonies which used to provide raw materials and big markets gained independence —the end of the era of empire. 过去常常为英国提供原材料和广阔市场的英国殖民地纷纷独立。 ③Britain was heavily burdened with the huge military expenditure during the process of decolonisation. 教材编者还认为英国在非殖民化的过程中因为巨额的军备开支而重负不堪。 [It was still forced to maintain a substan


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