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孟氏骨折和盖氏骨折 的分类及治疗 项 舟 四川大学华西医院骨科 孟氏骨折 尺骨上1/3骨折合并桡骨头脱位 概述 ??? 1914年意大利外科医生Giovanni Monteggia 最早报导了这种类型骨折,故称孟氏骨折。 病因 ??? 多为间接暴力致伤,根据暴力方向及移位情况临床可分三种类型: 伸直型 屈曲型 内收型 伸直型?? 比较常见,多发生儿童。肘关节伸直或过伸位跌倒,前臂旋后掌心触地。作用力顺肱骨传向下前方,先造成尺骨斜形骨折,残余暴力转移于桡骨上端,迫使桡骨头冲破,滑出环状韧带。向前外方脱位。骨折断端向掌侧及桡侧成角。成人直接暴力打击造成骨折,骨折为横断或粉碎型。 Type I (or extension type) - 60% of cases: ? ? - anterior dislocation of radial head (or frx) and fracture of ulnar diaphysis at any level w/ anterior angulation (usually proximal third); - exam: attempt to palpate radial head (ant, post, or lateral); - PIN palsy is most common in type I frx and may occur in a delayed fashion if the radial head is not promptly reduced 屈曲型 多见于成人。肘关节微屈曲,前臂旋前位掌心触地,作用力先造成尺骨较高平面横型或短斜型骨折,桡骨头向后外方脱位,骨折断端向背侧,桡侧成角。 Type II (flexion type) - 15% ? ? ? - posterior or posterolateral dislocation of radial head (or frx); ? ? ? - frx of proximal ulnar diaphysis with posterior angulation; ? ? ? - posterior Monteggia frx is reduced by applying traction to forearm w/ the forearm in full extension; ? ? ? ? ? ? - immobilization is continued until there is union of the ulna; ? ? ? ? ? ? - this ordinarily requires 6-10 wks depending on the age of pt; 内收型 多发生幼儿。肘关节伸直,前臂旋前位,上肢略内收位向前跌倒,暴力自肘内方推向外方,造成尺骨喙突处横断或纵行劈裂骨折,移位较少,而桡骨头向外侧脱位。 Type III - 20% ? ? ? - lateral or anterolateral dislocation of the radial head; ? ? ? - fracture of ulnar metaphysis; ? ? ? - frx of ulna just distal to coronoid process w/ lateral dislocation of radial head Type IV (5%) ? ? ? - anterior dislocation of the radial head; ? ? ? - frx of proximal 1/3 of radius frx of ulna at the same level Exam: ? ? ? - r/o tear of the annular ligament ? ? ? - associated nerve injury: ? ? ? ? ? ? - paralysis of deep branch of radial nerve is most common; ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - posterior interosseous nerve may be wrapped around neck of radius, preventing reduction; ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - note: that patients whose operative treatment is delayed may be found to have a progressive PIN palsy from constant ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?




