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摘 要 多 分支井完井对各个分支段的隔离、控制以及井壁稳定技术日渐成熟,我国近些年在多分支井完井方面取得了很大进步,研制具有自主知识产权的完井系统,但是,与国外先进的完井装置对比,大多是针对某一地区油气田设计的,缺乏普遍性,在工艺上很难大范围推广。我国在解决多分支井筒的隔离问题上与国外还存在差距,主要体现在完井井下装置智能程度不高、可控性差等方面。本文通过对国内外分支井完井系统及配套工具调研,从分支井完井技术,及增产措施效果评价方面入手,结合实验分支井 完井设计及施工,研究分支井的重入技术和膨胀管定位多分支井技术,并对实验分支井增产改造措施进行效果评价。 关键词:分支井重入技术;膨胀管定位;增产改造 Abstract Multilateral well completions isolation of each branch segment ,control and wellbore stability technology becoming mature.Our country in the multilateral well completion have great progress in recent years.Our well completion system is developed with independent intellectual property rights.But,compared with foreign advanced well completion device,most of them are designed for a block oil and gas field,which is lack of general applicability and difficult to large-scale promotion.Our country exists gap with foreign in isolation problem of multilateral well,which is mainly reflected in the completion of downhole device which intelligent degree is not high and poor controllability.This paper study the branch well completion system and tools supporting through to the domestic and foreign,from the branch well completion technology to the evaluation and stimulation,combined with the design and construction of experimental multilateral well completion,research branch well reentrance technology and the positioning of bulged tube.Through evaluatuing the effect of measures to experimental multilateral well stimulation. Keywords:multilateralwellre-entry technology;positioningofbulged tube;stimulate and reform 目 录 第1章 概述 1 1.1 背景及意义 1 1.2 技术思路 1 1.3 研究内容 2 1.4 国内外研究现状 2 第2章 分支井完井 3 2.1 分支井完井系统 3 2.2 分支井重入技术 6 2.3 膨胀管定位多分支井技术 10 第3章 完井设计及施工 12 3.1 完井优化设计 12 3.2重入技术跟踪评价 14 第4章 增产改造 20 4.1分支井增产改造施工工艺 20 4.2 分支井增产实施 20 结 论 27 参考文献 28 致 谢 29 第1章 概述 1.1 背景及意义 随着多分支井完井的先进程度显著提高,完井过程中对各个分支段的 隔离、控制,以及井壁稳定技术也慢慢成熟。在多分支井完井方面我国学者总结前人经验,努力科研,研制出了一部分具有自主知识产权的完井系统。但是,与国外先进的完井装置相对比,这些系统大多是针对某一地区块油气田而设计的,还缺乏普遍适用性,在工艺上很难进行大范围扩展。 渤海弯盆地、辽河油田、胜利油田,以及新疆等地是我国多分支井 的主要聚集地区。具有自主知识产权的分支井完井系统主要有


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