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* Review Units5-6 Diana Wang March 25 .2015 Review steps 1.Review the words and expressions and have dictation. 2.Review the sentences and check in groups. 3.Learn 62 by yourselves. 4.Check some key points and explain them . 5.Do some exercises . 6. Practice our oral English. Review the words and expressions Have dictation. Do some exercises. 一、 1.organize(v.) 组织者________组织(n.)___________ 2.against(prep.) (反义词)_________ 3.injure(v.) (adj.)受伤的__________ 4.collect(v.) (n.)收集者________收藏(n.)_______ 5.Europe(n.) (adj.)欧洲的___________ 6.foreign(adj.) (n.)外国人___________ 7.certain(adj.) (adv.)当然____________ 8.argue(v.) (n.)争吵___________ 9.careful(adj.) ( 反义词 )_______________ 10.perhaps(adv.) ( 同义词 )________________ organizer organization for injured collector collection European foreigner certainly argument careless probably \ maybe Review the main sentences Check in groups. Do some exercises 二、 1.什么时候举办这个聚会比较好? When is a good time____ ______ _____ ______ 2、如果你变富了,你将很难知道谁是你真正的朋友。 If you _____ ______,you’ll have ____ ____ ____ _________ who your real friends are. 3、如果他们明天举办聚会将会发生什么? _____ _____ ______ if they have the party tomorrow? to have the party become rich a hard\difficult time knowing What will happen 4、你滑冰多长时间了?从九点钟我一直在滑冰,我已经花了五个小时了。 how long _____you ____ ______? I ‘ve been skating____ _____ _____,I’ve been skating ____ _____ _____. 5、如果你成为一名职业运动员,你就可以做你喜欢的事来谋生了。 If you become a professional athlete,you’ll be able to____ ___ _____ _____ ______ you love. have been skating since nine o’clock for five hours make a living doing something 6、对像我这样一个外国人,我对中国历史了解越多,我就越喜欢住在中国。 For a foreigner like me,____ ____I learn about C


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