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è€???”è?±èˉ-??¥èˉ?è???”¨????±??2?è?2?§‘?-|??€??ˉ?±?????±??¨????(??€) Section a…? Use of English ? ?A UFO is a general term used for any unidentified flying object in the sky which cannot be ?(1) ? by an observer. Most UFOs remain ?(2) ? as so even after they have been investigated. The UFO phenomenon dates back ?(3) ? the beginning of recorded history, but UFO sightings have ?(4) ? increased since the mid 1940s. ? ?From UFO videos to UFO pictures, stories and other real life ?(5) ?, thousands of people from all ?(6) ? of life claim to have seen these mysterious aerial phantoms. Many UFO sightings turn out to be nothing at all, mere airplanes, meteors or comets; ?(7) ? many sightings have gone unsolved for decades or even centuries. ? ?The term flying saucer came into ?(8) ? use after American Kenneth Arnold claimed a UFO sighting on June 24, 1947 near Mount Rainier, Washington. Arnold claimed to have seen as many as nine brightly lit objects soaring ?(9) ? the sky ?(10) ? he estimated as up to 1,200 miles per hour. Arnold also reported that the objects appeared to have a disc or saucer ?(11) ?. ?(12) ? final conclusion has ever been reached in the case. ? ?One of the most famous LIFO incidents to date also occurred in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico. ?(13) ? unidentified debris was recovered from the ?(14) ? of a Roswell ranch, the Roswell Army Airfield ?(15) ? a statement saying that a flying disk had been discovered. The airfield ?(16) ? the statement just hours later, claiming it was just a weather balloon. This sparked ?(17) ? and nation-wide rumors of an alleged government ?(18) ? of an alien LIFO that had crashed in the New Mexico desert. No ?(19) ? proof has been produced to this day to ?(20) ? that theory. 1?€? A. found ? ? ? ? ? ? ?B. discerned ? ? ? ? C. discovered ? ? ? ?D. decided 2?€? A. classified ? ? ? ? ? B. interesting ? ? ? ?C. scientific ? ? ? ? D. fantastic 3?€? A. as long as ? ? ? ? ? B. so far ? ? ? ? ? ?C. as far as ? ? ? ? ?D. so long 4?€? A


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