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博鳌亚洲论坛 一,主题:迈向命运共同体 开创亚洲新未来(Towards a Community of Common Destiny and A New Future for Asia) 二,经典新语(Classic Newspeak) 三,相关领域(Related areas) 四,一带一路倡议(The Belt and Road initiative) 五,亚洲基础设施投资银行(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank ,简称亚投行,AIIB) 六,世界新形势(New world situation) 论坛主题 The theme of this years conference is Asias New Future: Towards a Community of Common Destiny. The timing could not be better in that the theme has not only great immediate relevance but also long-term historical significance. And I am looking to all of you to express yourselves fully and contribute your insightful views to the cause of peace and development of Asia and beyond。本届博鳌亚洲论坛年会以“亚洲新未来:迈向命运共同体”为主题,可谓恰逢其时,既有重要的现实意义,也有长远的历史意义。希望大家畅所欲言,为亚洲和世界和平与发展贡献真知灼见。 经典新语(Classic Newspeak) “水涨荷花高”The lotus flowers grow taller as the water rises. “独行快,众行远” If you want to go fast, walk alone; and if you want to go far, walk together. “一棵树挡不住寒风”A single tree cannot block the chilly wind. “大河有水小河满,小河有水大河满”when big rivers have water, the small ones are filled; and when small rivers have water, the big ones are filled. 新语寓意Newspeak meaning All these sayings speak to one same truth, that is, only through win-win cooperation can we make big and sustainable achievements that are beneficial to all. 这些说的都是一个道理,只有合作共赢才能办大事、办好事、办长久之事。 The old mindset of zero-sum game should give way to a new approach of win-win and all-win cooperation. 要摒弃零和游戏、你输我赢的旧思维,树立双赢、共赢的新理念,在追求自身利益时兼顾他方利益,在寻求自身发展时促进共同发展。 相关领域(Related areas) Terrorism, cyber security, energy security, food security, climate change and major infectious diseases are on the rise, and the North-South gap . “以和为贵”、“协和万邦”、“四海之内皆兄弟也”harmony is the most valuable, peace and harmony should prevail and all men under heaven are brothers 中国古代思想家孟子说过:“夫物之不齐,物之情也。” Mencius, the great philosopher in ancient China, said, Things are born to be different. 一带一路倡议(The Belt and Road initiative) The Belt and Road initiative is not meant as rhetoric.It represents real work t


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