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合 肥 学 院 Hefei University 无机非金属材料工艺课程设计 题 目: 浮法平板玻璃熔窑生产设计 系 别: 化工系 专 业: 无机非金属 学 号: 1203031001 姓 名: 彭冲 导 师: 张全争 2015年月 要 设计介绍了一套规模为900t/d浮法玻璃生产线的工艺流程,在设计过程中,原料方面,对工艺流程中的配料进行了计算;熔化工段方面,参照国内外的资料和经验,对窑的各部位的尺寸、热量平衡和设备选型进行了计算;分析了环境保护重要性及环保措施参考实习工厂资料,在运用相关工艺布局的基础下,绘制了料仓、熔窑、锡槽、成品库为主的厂区平面图,具体对熔窑的结构进行了全面的了解,绘制了熔窑的平面图和剖面图,还有卡脖结构图,整个设计参照目前浮法玻璃生产的主要设计思路,采用国内外先进技术,进行全自动化生产,反映了目前浮法生的较高水平。 关键词:浮法玻璃、熔窑工段、设备选型、工艺计算 Abstract The design introduced the technical process of 900t/d float glass production line. During the planning, for the raw material, the computation of material has been made; and for the melt section, the melting kiln various spots size, The heat balance and the choose of the equipment have been calculated with reference to the domestic and foreign materials and the experience, the environmental protection importance and environmental protection measure have been analyzed. With reference to factory date, under the technology arrangement correlation knowledge foundation, the factory horizontal plan about the storage, the melting kiln, the tin trough and product storage has been finished. The melting kiln structure has been concretely introduced, the horizontal plan and the sectional drawing of the melting kiln, small mouth composition and card neck structure drawing have been draw up. The entire design consulted the main design mentality of present float glass production; took the domestic and foreign advanced technologies; carried on the entire automated production; reflected at present floats production to compare the high level. keywords: float glass; melting section; choose of the equipment; process calculation. 目录 前言 1 第一章 浮法玻璃工艺方案的选择与论证 2 1.1平板玻璃工艺方案 2 1.1.1有曹垂直引上法 2 1.1.2垂直引上法 2 1.1.3压延玻璃 2 1.1.4 水平拉制法 3 1.2 浮法玻璃工艺及其产品的优点 3 1.3 浮法玻璃生产工艺流成图见图1.1 4 图1.1 4 第二章 设计说明 5 2.1设计依据 5 2.2工厂设计原则 6 第三章 配料计算 7 3.1 于配料计算相关的参数 7 3.2浮法平板玻璃配料计算 7 3.2.1设计依据 8 3.2.2配料的工艺参数; 8 3.2.3计算步骤; 10 3.3平板玻璃形成过程的耗热量的计算 14


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