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平板电脑将过时 折叠笔记本时代到来   There are three major types of laptop, traditional laptop computers, netbooks and tablets. While, they all have their own defects. Traditional laptop computers have comprehensive functions, but they failed to meet the requirement of the portability of people. Netbooks are portable enough, however, a number of functions are left out so that there are a lot of limits when people use it in daily life. Tablets appared recently years, Apple’s Ipad is the most famous one. The launch of Ipad make other computer companies enter tablets business one after another。   现在笔记本电脑主要分为传统的笔记本电脑、上网本和平板电脑。而他们都有各自的缺陷:传统笔记本电脑虽然功能全面,但是携带性开始不能满足现在人们的要求;上网本虽然够轻便,但是略去了很多功能,让人在日常使用时受到很多局限。平板电脑是最近几年才出现在人们视线中的,而其中最著名的就是苹果公司的Ipad。它的推出让其他的PC公司纷纷开始进军平板电脑业。   One of the more appealing aspects of tablets is the fact that they are much more portable than your typical laptop. Unfortunately for the power hungry, this means sacrificing speed or certain applications that are meant to be run on computers. Bringing a new laptop concept to the table, Park Hyun Jin has created an interesting design that hopes to make laptops more portable。   虽然平板电脑更吸引人的一个原因是它比你手中的传统笔记本电脑更轻便。但不幸的是,待机时间太短了。这就意味着它牺牲了速度和某些在本应在电脑中运行的程序。所以一个全新的笔记本电脑设计理念被提了出来,朴炫珍创造出了一个新的有趣的设计,希望可以让传统的笔记本电脑更加便于携带。   After the ex-CEO of Apple, Jobs handed in his resignation, the future of the tablets are quite puzzled. The appear of the folding Laptops may have a trend to defeat tablets. Laptop concept folds into quarters to create unconventional laptop shapes and portability。   自从苹果前CEO乔布斯辞职后,平板笔记本的前途变的有些许迷茫。如今,折叠笔记本的推出似乎有击败平板笔记本的态势。折叠笔记本电脑可折叠成传统大小的四分之一,这一概念创新了传统笔记本电脑的造型和便捷性。   Not only is the Lifebook X2 thin and stylish, it also folds into quarters giving it a multitude of interesting features, shapes and of course more portability. Although such a design would imply some sort of separation of the LCD right across the middle, the concept definitely thinks outside the box when it comes to functionality。   Lifebook X2不仅仅拥有纤细的身材和



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