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SYD-261A 微电脑闭口闪点自动试验器 GLMGS 2002年06月06日 一、产品简介 One, product introduction 本仪器符合国家标准GB/T261《石油产品闪点测定法 闭口杯法 》,适用于测定石油产品用闭口杯在规定条件下,加热到他的蒸汽与空气的混合气体接触火焰发生闪火时的最低温度,即闭口杯法闪点。本仪器全自动程序控温,自动修正大气压强影响,并计算修正值,自动控制测试闪点的过程与结果,并可对测试数据进行储存、分析和打印。 This instrument meets the national standard GB / T261 petroleum products Determination of flash point closed cup method , was applied to the determination of petroleum products - closed cup under prescribed conditions, heated to his steam and air mixed gas flame flash fire when the minimum temperature, i.e. closed cup flash point. The instrument automatic temperature control procedures, automatic correction of the atmospheric pressure influence, and calculating correction values, automatic control and test flash process and results, and the test data storage, analysis and printing. 二、技术指标 Two, technical indicators ★工作电源:AC 220V±10%, 50Hz。  Of working power: AC 220V + 10%, 50Hz. ★温度测量:量程:室温~250℃;闪点≤104℃: 误差2℃;闪点 104℃: 误差6℃;分辨率:0.1℃;精度:0.5% In temperature measurement range: room temperature to 250 DEG C: less than 104 DEG C; flash: error 2 DEG C; flash 104 C: error 6 DEG C; resolution: 0.1 DEG C; precision: 0.5% ★基本参数:升温速度:符合GB/T261标准;点火方式:电子点火(气体火焰3~4㎜引火)。 Of basic parameters: temperature rising speed: in line with the GB / T261 standard; ignition mode: electronic ignition 3 ~ 4 mm gas flame ignition . ★环境温度:10~40℃。 Of ambient temperature: 10 ~ 40. ★相对湿度:≤80%。 Relative humidity: less than or equal to 80%. ★整机功耗:不大于350W。 Power consumption: not more than 350W. 三、仪器成套 In three, complete sets of equipment ★SYD—261A型微电脑闭口闪点自动试验器 SYD - 261A type microcomputer closed cup flash point automatic tester ★油杯 In the cup ★电源线(250V 6A) Of power line 250V 6A ★打印纸 Of printing paper ★点火枪 In lighter 公司地址:中国·武汉·武昌区徐东大街51号 电 话:座机电话号码 1座机电话号码82 传 真:座机电话号码 邮编:430071 邮箱:vip@


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