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一、、完形填空共20小题;每小题1分满分20分In?the?United?States,?students?generally?seek?an?independent?life?at?18.?They?take on part-time jobs, live away from their 1 , and finance their own education partially (部分地), if not 2 . Upon graduation, they find a job, or launch their own business by filing for loans from the bank. Someone lives in rented apartments even after marriage. And others 3 a house only when they can 4 it. This is a typical pattern how the American younger generation 5 . By?contrast,?Chinese young people are 6 . Most?college?students?in?present-day China, as the 7 children of their families, take for granted (认为理所应当) their 8 on their parents. They think their parents are 9 for furnishing them with all the tuitions and living expenses. They 10 work part-time to relieve their parents of their burdens. They have expensive dinners and birthday celebrations with their parents’ 11 money through months of hard work. In?recent?years, under?the 12 of?employment?difficulty, some?students?return?home to live?with?their parents after?graduation. 13 their?parents?are?busy?at?work, they?idle?away their?time?day?after?day, least concerned with?finding?a?job?to?have?their?own?source?of? 14 . Worse still, they exhaust every penny of their parents and even?grandparents?to?buy?a good apartment, to their?own?enjoyment. In?doing?so,?they?even?have?their?parents? 15 ?serious?debts. This?group?of?students have come to acquire an infamous?name—“the?Elderly-Devouring Community (啃老族) ”. A?more 16 phrase?might?be?“parasites” (寄生虫). This?community?has?come into 17 as?a result?of?long-time?over-tolerance on the part of parents and 18 on the part of students themselves. Compared with their American counterparts, Chinese students should feel 19 of themselves and take immediate actions to stop their elderly-devouring behavior and become 20 and self-reliant. 1. A. neighbors B. classmates C. parents D. teachers 2. A. gene


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