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童话剧《五个苹果历险记》剧本 人 物:苹果兄弟(然然、清清、梦梦、创创、行行)、森林虎大王、小猴、狗熊、狐狸、黄蜂及若干动物、昆虫。 Character: The Apple Brother(Ranran, Qingqing, Mengmeng, Chuangchuang, Xiangxiang), The tiger king of Forest, Little Monkeys, Black Bear, Fox, Hornets and a number of animals, Insects. 情节设计:五个苹果兄弟散落在黑森林中,被动物王国困禁,动物们打算着吃掉他们。五个苹果兄弟表现出了不同的心态:慌张、出卖、逃跑、自杀。在这形势危急的时刻,苹果兄弟中最小的行行把其他四个兄弟的心聚集到一起,心手相连,发挥出了宇宙超能量,打败了森林大王老虎,逃出了黑色森林的魔爪 Plot: Five brothers scattering in the dark woods were trapped by the animals planning to eat them in the animal kingdom. The brothers presented different states of mind: panic, betray, fleeing, suicide. In the moment of the critical situation, the youngest of the brothers, Xiangxiang, using the cosmic super energy which comes into being by gathering the heart of other brothers, heart-in-hand, debated the tiger king in the forest, escaped from the talons of dark woods. 旁 白:公元2011年4月27日的凌晨,五个可爱的苹果兄弟迷失在了恐怖的黑森林中,开始了惊险的历程! Voiceover: Five lovely Apple Brothers lost in the horrific dark woods, and start their breathtaking progress in morning on the April 27, 2011! 场 景:(黑色的森林,弯弯的月亮,背景音乐响起,鸟鸣声,小溪声。五个苹果在翻板后出现,十只小猴子将苹果逮住,苹果兄弟挣扎,高喊着) Scene: (Black forest, the crescent moon, Background music ringing, twitter, stream murmuring. Five apples appearing after the platform trap door are seized by ten little monkeys. They are struggling and shouting loudly.) 苹果兄弟:放开我们,放开我们! Apple Brothers: Let us go, let us go. 小猴甲:哈—哈!放开你们?做梦吧!哈哈!兄弟们!对不对? The first little monkey: Haha! Free you? Dreaming. We will send you to our king. He will very be pleasant. Haha! Is it right? 小猴齐说:对!对!走!快走! All little monkeys said neatly: Right! Right! Go! Go! Quickly! 小猴乙:大王!大王!看我们拿什么来孝敬您了! The second little monkey: King! King! See what we take to you! 虎大王:(惊讶状)哇噻!哇噻!哇哇噻!好大的苹果啊!五个?哈哈!我怎么吃得下? The tiger king: (surprisingly) Wow! Wow! Wow! For me! How big the apples! Five? Haha! How do I eat down? 狗 熊:大王!您知道我是最馋的了,先给…… Black bear: The king! You know that I am the greediest. Please give me first…… The tiger king


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