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[00:00.00]PART 2:PRIMARY DIALOGUES [00:-0.50]初级对话 [00:-1.00]1.How Long Will It Take to Learn English [00:-1.50]学会英语要多长时间 [00:-2.00]A:How long will it take to learn English?Will I be able to take other courses next semester or will English take up all of my time? [00:-2.50]学会英语要花多长时间?我下学期可不可以选修别的课程?还是要把英语一直学下去? [00:-3.00]B:Its hard to say.Language isnt like other studies. [00:-3.50]很难说。语言不同于其他的学问。 [00:-4.00]A:You mean I could finish this course and still not know English?Youve got to be kidding! [00:-4.50]你是说我修完了这门课还是不懂英文?你在开玩笑吧! [00:-5.00]B:Im not kidding.Learning a language is a question of forming language habits and that takes time. [00:-5.50]绝无戏言。这是一个养成语言习惯的问题,得花不少时间。 [00:-6.00]A:So do we have to stay in this English class forever? [00:-6.50]那我们一辈子都得留在英语班了吗? [00:-7.00]B:No.You just have to stay here long enough to get some orientation.Then you go on practicing and learning outside.A lot of learning depends on your personal motivation. [00:-7.50]那倒不必。你要在班上待到获得一些学习的方法为止。然后你就可以在外面练习和进修了。学习很多时候是要靠你的个人动力。 [00:-8.00]A:So its really the same story.Practice,practice,practice and more practice is the only way to learn a language. [00:-8.50]还是那句话,操练,操练,再操练是学习一门语言的惟一办法。 [00:-9.00]B:You said it. [00:-9.50]你说对了! [00:10.00]2.Americans Have So Much Money [00:10.50]美国人好有钱 [00:11.00]A:I used to think that Americans had so much money they didnt know what to do with it. [00:11.50]从前我老以为美国人都钱多得不知道该怎么花。 [00:12.00]B:You did? [00:12.50]你真这么想? [00:13.00]A:Yes.But now Ive learned differently.Now I have a more realistic opinion. [00:13.50]是呀。不过我已经知道不是这么回事了。现在我的看法更实际。 [00:14.00]B:What do you think now? [00:14.50]那你现在怎么想? [00:15.00]A:There are lots of jobs,and almost everybody works.There is a high standard of living.People earn a lot,but they spend a lot to live.So there isnt so much money after all. [00:15.50]美国有许多行业,而且几乎人人都工作。生活水准高,个人收入多,但生活开支也大。所以最后也没剩多少钱。 [00:16.00]B:But I still say Americans spend a lot more money on useless things than we Chinese do. [00:16.50]但我还是认为美国人比我们中国人爱乱花钱。 [


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