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第二站 曼谷――泰中菜.doc

第二站 曼谷――泰中菜   华丽的复合型菜   曼谷是泰国的首都,也是泰中菜式的发源地。泰国中部一直是泰国传统的心脏地带,围绕着湄南河的肥沃平原发展出许多知名的泰国佳肴。这里是泰国土地最肥沃的地区,盛产稻米和水果,因为经济发达,人们的生活水平较高,所以中部的菜品以烹饪精致、华丽著称。   泰中的厨师都需要学习怎样摆放花朵及蕉叶,如何把西瓜雕成鲜花等,使得菜肴看起来既隆重又贵气非凡。并且菜品的容器都用的是泰国独有的手工瓷器“五彩”,上面布满细密的彩纹,从前菜到甜点,都装点得如同价值连城的工艺品。   红咖喱、绿咖喱在中部被利用得淋漓尽致,相较于其他地区的咖喱,中部的各种咖喱都喜欢多放椰浆,口感更加温润细腻。而中国人较为熟悉的冬阴功汤也是从中部开始流行起来的。除了菜品丰富外,中部地区还有很多小吃也很不错,走在曼谷街头,各种小吃摊云集,最让人难忘的当数金钱包,光听这名字就足够讨喜。这种以鸡肉、洋葱、香菜、青豆、咖喱粉爆炒后做馅,用春卷皮包裹后炸制的小吃,配上酸梅酱吃起来清甜中带有肉香,其美味程度一点不输大菜。   Splendid Mix   Bangkok is the capital of Thailand and the birthplace of central Thai food. As the heart of Thailand, rice and fruits grow in adundance here in the fertile Mekong River plains. Influenced by the developed local economy and affulent lifestyles, Central Thai food is known for its complexity and exquisiteness.   Central Thai chefs for example have to learn how to place flowers and banana leaves in plates, how to sculpt water melon into flowers, and how to make dishes stately and elegant before putting them into classic “five colors” pattern porcelain. From entree to dessert, each dish is presented as if it is a priceless artwork.   Red and green curry are used to the extreme in Central Thailand. Unlike curries in other regions, curries here are cooked with coconut juice to produce a smooth and tender texture. Tom Yum Goong for example get popular from here. Apart from the wide variety of dishes, central Thailand also boasts of many street food widely found on roadside stands. Among them is the so called “gold bun”, a fried snack made of spring roll skin containing different foodstuffs. Served with plum sauce, it is as delicious as any upscale dish.   泰国菜的酸辣甜   The Sweet, the Sour and the Spicy   泰国菜以酸辣口味为主,而酸、辣、甜三味,全部都由东南亚甚至泰国独特的调料调制而成,绝不会使用食醋、糖精等物,让我们来为你介绍几种泰国酸辣甜味道的主要来源。   The sour, sweet and spicy flavor of Thai cuisine are created with unique local ingredients instead of vinegar or saccharin. Below are the main sources of the three flavors.   酸 Sour   泰国皱皮柠檬:泰国皱皮柠檬的外貌不起眼,好像一个个外表皱巴



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