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【范例1】 ? 请用英语为学生会(The Students Union)写一个书面通知,时间是5月4日,内容是: (1)今天上午1000在会议室召开各班班长会议。 (2)全校师生下午400看电影。下午的课改在130开始。 参考范文 ? NOTICE ? There will be a meeting for all the monitors in the meeting-room at 1000 this morning. ? All the teachers and students are going to see a film at 4∶00 this afternoon. The classes this afternoon will begin at 1∶30. Be sure not to be late for school, please. ? The Students Union ? May 4,2003 【范例2】 (1)题目要求:请你拟写一个书面通知,告诉同学们明天去参加植树活动。 (2)内容:明天是植树节,天气暖和。你们不上课,去公园植树。早晨八点在校门口集合,骑自行车去。中午在那里吃午饭,请带好水和食物。 (3)词数:50—70。 参考范文 ? NOTICE ? Tomorrow is Tree Planting Day. It is warm. You will have no classes. We will plant trees in the park. We will meet at the gate of our school at 8∶00 in the morning and go there by bike. We will have lunch there. Please take some water and food with you. Dont be late. ? the Headmaster Office ? March 11 【范例3】 ? 假如你是班长,请口头通知同学们于明天(星期六)参观市博物馆。 ? 安排如下: (1) 骑自行车去,九点前到达,在大门口等候,不要迟到。 (2) 历史老师将和我们一起去,并给我们讲有关的历史知识,请带钢笔与笔记本。 (3) 下午三时去公园听音乐会。要在音乐会上唱歌的同学请做好准备。 ? 说明:写出要点,不要逐词翻译。词数100左右。 参考范文 ? Classmates, ? May I have your attention, please? (Classmates, listen to me, please.) Tomorrow is Saturday. Our class has decided to visit the City Museum. We are all to go there by bike. Please get there before 9 o clock and wait at the gate. Don t be late. ? Our history teacher will go with us. During the visit, he will tell us the history of the city. Please bring your pens and notebooks. ? At 3∶00 p. m.,well go to the park to listen to a concert. Those who will sing at the concert, please get ready for it. ? Thats all. Thank you. (三)学生习作与点评 【题目要求】 ? 假如今天是2002年12月31日,请你以校长室的名义写一个书面通知。 ? 内容:明天是元旦,学校停课一天,希望全体师生参加上午800—13∶00在本校会议厅举行的歌咏会;下午200—2∶50在本校操场举行的学生男队与青年男子教师队之间的篮球对抗赛;下午300—4∶00学生女队与女青年教师队之间的排球对抗赛。欢迎观看。元月2日照常上课。 【学生习作】 ? NOTICE ? Tomorrow is New Years Day . There will be no classes. All the teachers and students must attend the song meeting.It will be held in the meeting-hall between 800 and 11∶30 in the morning.?? And there will be a basket


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