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首段写作详解 Paragraph writing 2 The general structure of an argumentative essay : 开头段 Background information + thesis statement 主体段落2~3段 (Topic sentence + supporting sentences ) … 结尾段落 Conclusion How to write the introduction: Introduction的核心任务是 To say what you are going to say, 可以分成3个步骤来完成: Introducing the topic 对题目进行改写重述 或设置事件发生背景 opinion 可以是别人的看法或者直接陈述我对本问题的看法 Layout of the main body 对文章的布局进行简短介绍 开头段一般可以分为三个部分 第一部分:背景句(1 -2 ) 第二部分:主题句 1 第三部分:观点句或者写作目的陈述(也就是简单介绍下文内容)1 如何写背景句: 首先确定题目讨论的是哪个方面的问题,然后以这个问题为中心,写一句介绍性的话 注意的问题: 不要把背景给的过于宽泛或者狭窄,要起到引出主题的作用。 Model 1: Unemployment is one of the greatest social problems of our time. The relationship between education and unemployment, in particular, has become a troubling issue preoccupying many governments across the world. As for the college graduates, we should do something to help with the problems. Model 2: To keep abreast of the 21st century, large numbers of people are seeking to tertiary education. Distance learning, a modern educational model, has received wide currency among qualification seekers. It has tremendous advantages… 背景句可以使用的套句: (1)The development of … 设置一些背景的铺垫 is inevitable and undeniable. 换词: a、 progression, evolution, growth b、 unavoidable, irreversible [,iriv?:s?bl ] 不可逆转的 , irrefutable [irefjut?bl](不可驳倒的) (2)The thorny(痛苦、棘手的)\pressing problem of… has become\is of a hot topic\issue\potato in recent years. (3) …has become\is of a topic of public interest and concern in recent years. (4)…is one of the most remarkable phenomena of this century\during the past decades. (5)With increasing number of…,…has become a social issue. (6)With increasing number of…,…has become a topical issue.? 例:随着越来越多的妇女参与全职工作,由谁来照顾孩子已经成为了社会上的一个问题。 With increasing number of women taking part in full-time jobs, who should take care of children has become a topical issue.?  如何写观点句(第二句): 写法一:改写文章的题目(问题类之外的题目) 写法二:直接交代问题产生的原因(问题类题目)?  写文章的题目时注意两个问题: 1)改写题目,而不是照抄题目 2)简洁地改写题目,避免累赘 改写题目的方法: 方法一:改词 改变关键词的词性 同义


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