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Stylistics and Rhetoric By: Shanshan Xu Introduction: 1. What is stylistics? Stylistics studies how language is used in a certain context and how language expresses a certain subject. ? 2. Charles Bally proposed two language effects: natural effect (自然效果)and evocative effect(联系效果). Eg: ? I’m sorry to trouble you, but could I ask you to close the door for me? ? Would you mind closing the door? ? I could do without the draught from that door. ? Shut the door, will you? ? Door! ? Were you born in a barn? ? I know a little boy who never leaves the door open. ? 丈夫支出账单中的一页 ? 招聘女打字员的广告费……(支出金额) ? 提前一个星期预付给女打字员的薪水……(支出金额) ? 购买送给女打字员的花束……(支出金额) ? 同她共进的一顿晚餐……(支出金额) ? 给夫人买衣服……(一大笔开支) ? 给岳母买衣服……(一大笔开支) ? 招聘中年女打字员的广告费……(支出金额) ? 德军剩下来的东西 ? 战争结束了。他回到了从德军手里夺回的故乡,他匆匆忙忙地在路灯昏黄的街上走着。一个女人捉住他的手,用吃醉了酒似的口气和他讲:“到哪儿去?是不是上我那里?” ? 他笑笑,说:“不。不上你那儿—我找我的情妇。”他回看了女人一下。他们两个人走到路灯下。 ? 女人突然嚷了起来:“啊” ? 他也不由抓住了女人的肩头,迎着灯光。他的手指嵌进了女人的肉里。他们的眼睛闪着光。他喊道:“约安!”把女人抱了起来了。 Register ? 1.1 Definition of Register ? A register is a style of language appropriate to the occasion 1.1.1 The First Range: Written and Spoken English ? Written English: explicit and balanced typically with subject and predicate as a minimum utterance. ? Spoken English: simpler and less strictly constructed 1.1.2 The Second Range: Formal and Informal English ? Formal language: often used publicly for some serious purpose. ? Informal language: often used in private conversation, personal letter 1.1.3 The Third Range: Polite and Familiar Language ? Polite language: when talking to an unfamiliar person or to a person senior in age or social position, we use polite language. ? Familiar Language: used among close friends on informal occasions. Examples: 1). “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, have you reached the verdict(裁定)?” ? 2). “Our father, who are in heaven, hallowed by Thy(你的) name, Thy kingdom come?” ? 3). “Do I hear a motion?” ? IN UPON THE DEATH OF THE LIFE INSURED there shall be no duly (proper)constituted(appoint


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