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第二章 家庭、朋友与周围的人 【复习目标】 知识目标:1.运用this, that 介绍他人;运用this ,that 的疑问形式询问和辨认人物。 2.月份的复习。 3.序数词的复习。 4.when引导的特殊疑问句。 技能目标: 运用所学知识介绍人物,辨别人物,描述人的外貌,描述成功人士;谈论日期。 第一课时 基础课(句型与对话) 一.课前整理与记忆 I.口头翻译、记忆下面有关“家庭、朋友与周围的人”的话题句和功能句并在《英语中考复习汇编》中的P47-49中划出。 1.---This is my friend, Jim. ---This is my father. 2.---When is your birthday? ---My birthday is July 1st. 3.---What does he look like? --- He’s a tall boy with black hair. / He is tall and he has black hair. 4.---Who’s that? ---That’s Deng Yaping. She’s a great ping--pong player. ---When was she born? --- She was born in 1973. 5.---Who’s Shirley ? ---She’s a movie star . ---When did she become a movie star ? ---When she was three years old. / At the age of three. II.分层复习《英语中考复习汇编》P49-51中第三章的听力材料 A:小组表演并自编有关“家庭、朋友与周围的人”的对话。 B:熟读听力材料中的重点对话。 二.课堂检测与提升 I.小组合作交流检查课前准备的完成情况。 II.听听力,完成下面表格 听力 (一)七上 u3 section B 2a Name Job Look like John Dean the ______ ________ He is really ______ and really ______ .And he has ______ ______ ______ and he has ________ glasses. Tina Brown an movie______ I like the woman _____ _____ blonde hair. She is medium _______ . 听力 (二)七下 u5 section A1b Name Job Be born Deng Yaping She’s a great ______ ping-pang _______. She ______ ______ in 1973. Michael Jordan He’s a great _______ ________ __________. He _____ ______ in 1963. Martina Hingis She’s a great ________ ______ ________. She was born ______ ______. David Beckham He’s a great British _______ ________. He was born ______ ______. III. 学以致用,中考链接 一 单项选择。 1. [09·孝感]—There is a wrong word in Line _____ . —Where? —In the ______ line. A. two; two B. Two; second C. second; two D. second



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