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Unit two Food Reading A 1, food refers to something that living creatures take into their bodies to give them strength and help them to develop and to live. 食物是指生物摄入体内,从中获得能量帮助其生存和发展的物质。 饭店设有一个中餐厅和一个西餐厅 the restaurant serves Chinese food and western food. 这家店的粤菜不错 This restaurant serves good Cantonese food/cuisine. The restaurant serves good fish and pickle(泡菜) slices in hot sauce Cuisine更多的是指菜系,杭帮菜 Ningbo local cuisine, 川菜the spicy Sichuan cuisine 这里,您可以品尝地方风味小吃 taste the local flavors / snacks I will accommodate you in the best hotel, introduce to you the best local flavors and show/guide you around the most beautiful places. Accommodation 住宿(费) Take care of your food, accommodation and your fares. Refer to指—means, is 文化是一个民族的整体的生活方 Culture refers to the total way of life of a nation Strength—〉实力,长处,优点 national strength(综合国力) research and development strength, marketing strength ; do you see any strength with the Chinese way of management 你认为中国式的管理模式有无优点 它代表了一种新的文化的诞生,一种集东西方传统优点之大成的新的价值体系。 it represents the birth of a new culture, a new values system that incorporates /combines the strengths of the eastern and western cultures. strengthen=enhance=improve 增进相互理解和信任 strengthen/improve/enhance mutual understanding and trust. 2,the process of digestion begins as soon as the food goes into the mouth. Absorbing foreign cultures is a process of taking a bite, chewing and digesting. We should adopt the principle of eliminating the false and retaining the true, discarding the dross and selecting the essential. 吸取外国文化是一个入口,咀嚼和消化的过程。我们应该采取去伪存真,去粗存精,(去其糟粕,取其精华)的原则。 You must browse, gently chewing the cud of your idle thoughts, and nibbling here and there at a sight or a touch of the goods that lie about you. Chew the cud of sth回味,体味,深思 你需要浏览,慢慢的体味着自己闲散的思绪,看看或者摸摸周围的东西,但是不要急着下决定购买。 Palate(味觉) =taste have a good palate for fine/high arts善于鉴赏高雅艺术 connoisseur(尤其指艺术品的


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